A.The data in this subject comes from Boeing Process Specifications BAC5730, BAC5730-2 and BAC5951. Access to the Boeing Process Specifications is available.
B.The data is general. It is not about all situations or specific installations. Use this data as a guide to help you write minimum standards.
C.Refer to SOPM 20-00-00 for a list of all the vendor names and addresses.
有关所有供应商名称和地址的列表,请参阅SOPM 20-00-00。
A.Shot peening is a procedure to cold work metal parts to harden the surfaces and remove residual stresses. It puts compressive stresses in the peened surfaces to increase fatigue strength and resistance to stress corrosion cracking. It also can be used to increase oil retention properties, as on gear teeth. Metal shot is usually specified, but glass bead peening can be specified when a very shallow compressive layer is necessary or iron contamination of non-ferrous parts is important. Glass bead peening could also be specified to follow metal shot peening to make the surface finish smoother.
(1) Shot size and shot number
a)Shot size is the nominal diameter of the shot in inches.
b)Shot number is the shot size in ten-thousandths inch diameter units (for cast steel and glass beads) and thousandths-inch diameter units (for cut wire). For example, a cast steel shot peen callout of 170-330 shot number refers to 0.017-0.033 inch shot size, while a shot peen callout of CW41-CW47 refers to cut wire of diameters 0.041-0.047 inch.
c)Sometimes these two terms are used interchangeably.
(2) Intensity (Almen intensity) — A numerical value of the arc height (in inches) in the length of an Almen test strip of hardened steel, peened on one side while clamped in a block. Peening action cold-works the top surface of the strip, and the strip bends into an arc. The intensity is the arc height at the saturation point. A letter suffix is added to the arc height value to identify the type of Almen test strip that was peened. For example, a callout of 0.010 A2 intensity refers to shot peening sufficient to cause an Almen A test strip in a Type 2 gage to become an arc with a height 0.010 inch from its original flat condition. The 2 is often not included in the callout, because the Type 2 test gage is the industry standard. Intensity callouts in the overhaul instructions can be one value (such as 0.010 A2) or a range (such as 0.010-0.015 A2). (The letter suffix can follow the number with or without a space, and it can be attached to each number of a range, such as 0.010A-0.015A, or it can follow after the range numbers, such as 0.010-0.015 A2).
强度(Almen强度)——夹在块中时,在一侧进行喷丸处理的硬化钢Almen试条长度上的电弧高度(以英寸为单位)的数值。喷丸作用对带材的上表面进行冷加工,带材弯曲成弧形。强度为饱和点处的弧高。在弧高值上添加一个字母后缀,以识别经过喷丸处理的Almen试条的类型。例如,0.010 A2强度的标注指的是喷丸处理,该喷丸处理足以使2型量规中的Almen a试条变成一条从其原始平坦状态起高度为0.010英寸的圆弧。2通常不包括在详图索引中,因为2型测试量规是行业标准。大修说明中的强度标注可以是一个值(如0.010 A2)或一个范围(如0.010-0.015 A2)。(字母后缀可以跟在带空格或不带空格的数字后面,它可以附加到一个范围的每个数字上,如0.010A-0.015A,也可以跟在范围数字后面,如0.010-0.015A2)。
NOTE: Almen test strips A, C, and N are available to measure a wide range of shot peening intensities, but nominal intensities are usually specified in Almen A equivalents. Almen A strips are used for intensities 0.005A-0.022A. For intensities 0.023A-0.032A, either Almen A or C strips can be used, with C strips preferred. For intensities more than 0.032A, only C strips are used. Almen N strips are used for intensities less than 0.003A. For peening intensities 0.003A-0.005A, either Almen A or N strips can be used, with N strips preferred. The intensities of Almen C and N strips are equivalent to Almen A as follows: The Almen A equivalent equals the Almen C arc height times 3.5 or the Almen N arc height divided by 3.0.
注:Almen试条A、C和N可用于测量各种喷丸强度,但标称强度通常以Almen A等效物规定。Almen A条用于0.005A-0.022A的强度。对于强度0.023A-0.032A,可以使用Almen A或C条,优选C条。对于大于0.032A的强度,仅使用C条。Almen N带用于小于0.003A的强度。对于喷丸强度0.003A-0.005A,可以使用Almen A或N条,优选N条。Almen C和N带的强度等效于Almen A如下:Almen A等效等于Almen C弧高乘以3.5或Almen N弧高除以3.0。
(3) Coverage measures the extent of peening indentations on the surface peened.
(a) Coverage is specified as an integer (1.0, 2.0) or a percentage (100%, 200%).
(b) Coverage of 1.0 or 100% makes the surface completely covered with dents when seen without magnification. When examined under magnification, individual unpeened islands are permitted, but they must be at random locations, and the width of each unpeened island must be less than the typical indentation diameter.
(c) Coverage greater than 1.0 or 100% is specified by multiples of the exposure time the surface must be in the blast for 100% coverage. For example, for a coverage of 2.0 or 200% the part must be exposed to the shot blast for a period of time two times that necessary for 1.0 or 100% coverage.
(4) K-hole — A coordination hole used to make assembly easier. Such holes are identified with a K on the engineering drawing picture sheet.
(5) Knife edge — A condition where the edge preparation (such as a chamfer or radius) from one side of a part touches or overlaps the edge preparation from the other side of the part, and the edge becomes a point.
(6) Lot — A group of parts that have the same or similar configuration, the same peening intensity, with peened surfaces turned the same compared to the stream of shot, and peened with the same equipment.
(7) Saturation point — The point on a curve of arc height versus time or feed rate (saturation curve) from which the arc height does not increase by more than 10 percent when the peening time is doubled. An example saturation curve is shown in Figure 7.
NOTE: The items in Paragraph 3.A. thru Paragraph 3.D. are available from vendors such as Wheelabrator (V0CJ83), Metal Improvement Company (V05314, V3H711 or V4G527), Pangborn (V45586), Custom Metal Fabricators (V6V892), Vacu-Blast (V62555) or B and J Industrial Supply (V8H926).
注:第3.A.段至第3.D.段中的项目可从供应商处获得,如Wheelabrator(V0CJ83)、Metal Improvement Company(V05314、V3H711或V4G527)、Pangborn(V45586)、Custom Metal Fabricators(V6V892)、Vacu Blast(V62555)或B and J Industrial Supply(V8H926)。
NOTE: MIL-S-13165 is replaced by AMS-S-13165 which is replaced by AMS 2430. MIL-S-851 is replaced by AMS 2431.
注:MIL-S-13165由AMS-S-13165代替,后者由AMS2430代替。MIL-S-851被AMS 2431取代。
A. Shot
(1) Cast steel shot
(a) Cast steel shot as specified in SAE J827, screened as specified in SAE J444.
SAE J827中规定的铸钢喷丸按SAE J444中的规定筛选。
(b) Cast steel hard shot, Rockwell C hardness 55-65, as specified in SAE J827, screened as specified in SAE J444.
SAE J827的规定的洛氏C硬度55-65的铸钢硬喷丸按照SAE J444的规定进行筛选。
(c) Cast steel shot as specified in AMS 2431/1.
AMS 2431/1中规定的铸钢丸。
(d) Cast steel hard shot as specified in AMS 2431/2.
AMS 2431/2中规定的铸钢硬喷丸。
(2) Conditioned Cut Wire (CW) Steel Shot 钢丝(CW)切丸
(a) Carbon steel conditioned cut wire (CW) shot as specified in SAE J441.
SAE J441中规定的碳钢钢丝(CW)切丸。
(b) Hard carbon steel conditioned cut wire (CW) shot, Rockwell C hardness 55-65, as specified in SAE J441
SAE J441的规定的硬质碳钢处理钢丝(CW)切丸,洛氏C硬度55-65。
(c) Carbon steel conditioned cut wire (CW) shot as specified in AMS 2431/3.
AMS 2431/3的规定的碳钢钢丝(CW)切丸。
(d) High hardness carbon steel conditioned cut wire (CW) shot as specified in AMS 2431/8.
AMS 2431/8中规定的高硬度碳钢钢丝(CW)切丸。
(e) Stainless steel or corrosion resistant steel (CRES) conditioned cut wire (CW) shot as specified in SAE J441.
SAE J441中规定的不锈钢或耐腐蚀钢(CRES)钢丝(CW)切丸。
(f) Stainless steel or corrosion resistant steel (CRES) conditioned cut wire (CW) shot as specified in AMS 2431/4.
AMS 2431/4中规定的不锈钢或耐腐蚀钢(CRES)钢丝(CW)切丸。
(3) Ceramic shot as specified in AMS 2431/7.
AMS 2431/7中规定的陶瓷喷丸。
(4) Ceramic beads — Zirshot, V03TK2.
(5) Glass beads as specified in MIL-PRF-9954
NOTE: The glass beads are used in the BAC5951 procedure. BAC5951 currently specifies MIL-S-13165. Superseding AMS-S-13165 specifies MIL-S-9954, which is replaced by MIL-PRF-9954. But AMS-S-13165 is superseded by AMS 2430, which specifies AMS 2431/6 glass beads. AMS 2431/6 refers to MIL-PRF-9954, but specifies more requirements.
注:玻璃珠用于BAC5951程序。BAC5951目前规定了MIL-S-13165。取代AMS-S-13165的规定为被MIL-PRF-9954取代的MIL-S-9954。但AMS-S-13165被AMS2430所取代,后者规定了AMS2431/6玻璃珠。AMS 2431/6参考了MIL-PRF-9954,但规定了更多要求。
B. Almen test strips as specified in SAE J442, or Figure 1.
SAE J442或图1中规定的Almen测试带。
C. Holding fixtures固定夹具
(1) Standard test strip holding fixture as specified in SAE J442 or Figure 2.
SAE J442或图2中规定的标准测试带固定夹具。
(2) Fixed-hole test strip holding fixtures as specified in SAE J442 or Figure 5.
SAE J442或图5中规定的固定孔测试带固定夹具。
(3) Adjustable Almen test strip holding fixture (as specified in tool drawing ST9500K and Figure 5),for verification of Almen intensity for holes peened with probe equipment only.
(4) Almen test strip attachment in all fixtures as specified in SAE J442, Figure 2 and Figure 3.
SAE J442,图2和图3中规定的所有夹具中的Almen测试带附件。
D.Test gage (Almen Gage No. 2) as specified in SAE J442 or Figure 4.
测试SAE J442或图4中规定的量规(Almen gage No.2)。
E.Sieves as specified in ASTM E 11, RR-S-366 or JIS-Z-8801
ASTM E 11、RR-S-366或JIS-Z-8801中规定的筛
F. Shot classifiers. Use sieves made as specified in ASTM E 11, RR-S-366 or JIS-Z-8801, or equivalent shot classifiers. Examples of shot classifiers are in the list that follows. Equivalent substitutes can be used.
喷丸分类器。使用ASTM E 11、RR-S-366或JIS-Z-8801中规定的筛网,或同等的喷丸分类器。喷丸分类器的示例如下所示。可以使用等效的替代品。
(1) Matson Shot Classifier, V05314 or V4G527
Matson Shot分类器,V05314或V4G527
(2) Vibro-Energy Separator, Model LS24C44, V32467
(3) Gilson Testing Screen, Model TS-1, V22898
G. Peening Coverage Verification Coating — Peen Scan®, V3H711
喷丸覆盖率验证涂层——Peen Scan®,V3H711
H. Shot Peening Machine 喷丸机器
(1) The automatic shot peening machine must give controlled intensity results. It must shoot dry shot in a smooth flow against the part by controlled air pressure or controlled centrifugal force. The machine must automatically move the part through the shot stream or move the shot stream over the part in translation or rotation or both. The machine must let broken or defective shot and contaminants such as rust and dirt be removed during peening. Air used to shoot the shot must be filtered and dried such that the shot and the peened surfaces have no signs of oil or moisture. The machines must have controls for peening time and the rate of shot flow.
(2) Shot peen with automatically controlled equipment unless as shown below.
(a)Manually operated equipment and portable equipment can be used to shot peen in the field and for repair operations or when specified by the overhaul instructions.
(b) Portable equipment must supply shot at a controlled rate, collect the used shot, and put the shot in a location to let it be recycled.
(c) Manually controlled peening or self contained shot peening can be used for the surface of holes, edges, cutouts, etc., which cannot be economically peened with automatically controlled equipment.
I. Self-Contained Shot-Peening Materials
NOTE: Items (1), (2)(a), and (3) are available from 3M Company (V76381). These and the other items are also available from B&J Industrial Supplies (V8H926).
注:项目(1)、(2)(a)和(3)可从3M公司(V76381)获得。这些和其他物品也可从B&J Industrial Supplies(V8H926)获得。
(1) Flap-peening wheels, 1 x 2 and 9/16 x 1-1/4 (Figure 6)
旋片喷丸轮,1 x 2和9/16 x 1-1/4(图6)
(2) Mandrel and sleeve assemblies (Figure 6)
(a) No. 7210 and 7211
(b) ST9503
(3) Magnetic Almen strip holder 磁性Almen测试带支架
(4) Almen test strips as specified in Paragraph 3.B.
(5) Almen test gage as specified in Paragraph 3.D.
(6) Power tool to turn the peening wheel and to keep the wheel speed within ± 5% during the peening operation. The wheel speed can be measured with a tachometer, strobe light or equivalent.
(7) Abrasive paper — 320 to 400 grit aluminum oxide or silicon carbide (source optional)

A. All machining but tooling tabs must be completed.
B. The surface finish in areas to be peened must be the design value or smoother unless overhaul instructions specify a pre-peening surface roughness.
C. Unless larger radii or chamfers are specified by the overhaul instructions, give all sharp edges and corners a radius as specified in Table 1 to prevent edge rollover and bulges which are causes for rejection of the peened part.

D. If magnetic particle or penetrant inspection is specified, do it before shot peening. But this does not prevent or replace such examinations necessary as a final operation (such as magnetic particle examination after nickel or chrome plating).
E. The areas of the parts to be shot peened must have no surface coatings such as paint, oil, grease, plating, chemical treatments, scale or corrosion. Unless the overhaul instructions are different, clean the parts by the applicable procedures as follows (SOPM 20-30-03):
待喷丸的零件区域不得有油漆、油、油脂、镀层、化学处理、垢或腐蚀等表面涂层。除非大修说明不同,否则应按照以下适用程序清洁零件(SOPM 20-30-03):
NOTE: Dust or loose debris (such as dry powder developer) is not a coating, and can be removed with a brush, an air blast, a nonabrasive clean, dry cloth, or some other equivalent procedure.
(1) Low alloy steels heat-treated 220 ksi and higher:
热处理220 ksi及以上的低合金钢:
(a) BAC5408
(b) BAC5763
(c) BAC5750
(d) BAC5748
(2) Low alloy steels heat-treated less than 220 ksi:
热处理小于220 ksi的低合金钢:
(a) BAC5408
(b) BAC5763
(c) BAC5749
(d) BAC5750
(e) BAC5751
(f) BAC5625
(3) Titanium and its alloys:
(a) BAC5749
(b) BAC5750
(c) BAC5763
(d) BAC5753
(4) All other metals:
(a) BAC5408
(b) BAC5749
(c) BAC5750
(d) BAC5763
(e) BAC5765
(f) BAC5625
(g) BAC5758
(5) Strip the plating, anodize and other conversion coatings as specified in BAC5771 (SOPM 20-30-02).
按照BAC5771(SOPM 20-30-02)的规定剥离电镀、阳极氧化和其他转化涂层。
A. Shot Selection
(1) Shot type
(a) When the overhaul instructions do not specify the shot type (such as hard shot, or CRES shot, or cut wire shot, or ceramic shot or glass beads), you can use any shot type.
(b) Use cast steel hard shot or conditioned cut wire shot, with Rockwell C hardness 55-65, for titanium alloy springs and low alloy steels heat treated 200 ksi and higher.
钛合金弹簧和热处理200 ksi及以上的低合金钢应使用洛氏C硬度为55-65的铸钢硬喷丸或钢丝切丸。
(c) Hard shot is optional for non-spring titanium, and can also be used as an alternative to the standard steel shot (Rockwell C hardness 42-52) for other metallic materials softer than Rockwell C hardness 46.
(d) Shot material alternatives:
1) The replacement shot must be as hard as or harder than the specified steel shot.
2) Conditioned cut wire shot can replace cast shot.
3) Cast shot can replace conditioned cut wire shot.
4) Ceramic shot can replace cast shot or conditioned cut wire shot when you peen titanium or aluminum alloys, but:
a) On aluminum, the actual Almen intensity must be less than or equal to 0.006A and the aluminum alloys must be subsequently anodized.
b) On titanium, the Almen intensity must not be more than 0.014A.
(2) Shot size
(a) When only one shot size is specified, you can use, as an alternative, a nominal size one size larger or smaller.
(b) If the shot size is not specified, or if a shot range is specified, the nominal size you use is optional, but:
1) The size you use must be within the specified range, if a range is specified.
2) The size you use must peen to the specified intensity.
3) The nominal size of the shot used on fillet surfaces must be no larger than 1/2 of the smallest fillet radius that occurs within the area to be peened. But you can use CW-32 or cast 280 shot size or smaller to peen forging flash and casting parting line extension radii 0.04 inch or larger.
4) If the shot must go through recesses or apertures to peen specified surfaces (such as between spring coils), the nominal diameter of the shot must not be larger than 25 percent of the width of the opening.
(c) If necessary to compare shot sizes of the different types, see Table 4

B. Shot Quality and Maintenance
(1) Shot Cleanliness
(a) Keep the shot load clean. Remove the oil, grease or other contamination that could not be removed from the peened parts by the usual cleaning procedures.
(b) If the shot becomes rusted because of environmental humidity, run the shot through the machine as necessary to clean it.
(2) Do maintenance of the shot in the machine to let not more than 10 percent of the particles by weight go through the screen size specified in Table 4 for the shot type and size you use.
(a) Use the specified sieves or the equivalent shot classifiers.
(b) Use a minimum sample size of 100 grams or 1/4 pound.
(c) For metal and ceramic shot, use the sample frequency that is your usual standard practice.
(d) Collect the samples from inside the machine, within its work zone.
(3) Keep the quality of the ceramic shot within the limits shown in Table 5.

(4) We recommend equipment with continuous shot separation provisions to remove undersize, broken, or split shot as specified in Paragraph 5.B.(2).
(5) When continuous shot separation is not available, screen the shot load as frequently as necessary to keep the shot quality as specified in Paragraph 5.B.(2).
(6) If your equipment cannot completely replace the shot, you can have up to a 5 percent by weight mix of shot of the same hardness range, but of different size range in sizes 230 thru 550 (or equivalent as shown in Table 4). But do not mix hardened cast steel shot with other shot.
(7) Replace the shot as necessary to adjust for shot removed by the screens or the shot separation.
(a) When you add cast steel shot of a quantity less than 35 percent of the machine hopper capacity, let the shot go through the machine three times before you add more shot.
(b) When you add cast steel shot of a quantity more than 35 percent of the machine hopper capacity, or if you did not let the shot go through the machine three times in Paragraph 5.B.(7)(a) before you added more shot, get a grease-free steel item and shot peen it in this machine until the shot goes through the machine three times.
(8) For glass bead peening, when continuous shot separation is not used, screen a minimum sample of 100 grams or 1/4 pound of the glass beads as frequently as necessary (a minimum of each one hour of continuous operation), to keep the bead size within the limits shown in Table 6.

C. Part Coverage Control
(1) Unless coverage is specified as a range in the overhaul instructions, the specified coverage is a minimum. To measure the coverage, visually examine the peened area. You can also use a minimum of 30X magnification. Also, you can use Peen Scan® to help measure the coverage.
除非大修说明书中规定了覆盖范围,否则规定的覆盖范围为最小值。要测量覆盖范围,请目视检查喷丸区域。您也可以使用最小30倍放大镜。此外,您还可以让Peen Scan®来帮助测量覆盖范围。
(2) When coverage is not specified by the overhaul instructions, 200 percent coverage or coverage of 2.0 is necessary on parts with automatic or manual shot peening equipment.
NOTE: This 200 percent or 2.0 coverage is recommended for rework and overhaul situations, compared to the 100 percent or 1.0 coverage specified in BAC5730 for manufacturing situations.
D. Peening Area Control
(1) When the overhaul instructions specify “shot peen entire part”, “shot peen all over”, or equivalent words to peen all surfaces of the part, peen all of the surfaces, but not the bores of holes and their edges (counterbores, countersinks and chamfers). Peen these holes and their edges as specified in Table 7. Mask or plug the surfaces or areas that are not to be peened.
如果大修说明中规定 “对整个零件进行喷丸”、”全部喷丸 “或类似的措辞,对零件的所有表面进行喷丸,则对所有表面进行喷丸,但不包括孔及其边缘(沉孔、沉头和倒角)。按照表 7 的规定对这些孔及其边缘进行喷丸。屏蔽或堵塞不进行喷丸的表面或区域。
(2) If overhaul instructions specify shot peening for an internal diameter, with the adjacent area not to be peened, peen the internal diameter and all of its counterbores, countersinks, chamfers, etc.
(3) If overhaul instructions specify peening for an internal diameter and the adjacent areas to different intensities, you can peen the related counterbores, countersinks, chamfers, etc. to either of the specified intensities.
(4) If overhaul instructions specify peening of “all exterior surfaces” or equivalent words, peening is not permitted in holes and their edges (other than as specified in Table 7) unless specified differently. Web areas, the interior sides of angles, flange undercuts, all surfaces of a clevis (but not the attach holes), and areas between lugs are examples of surfaces which could be thought as internal, but are actually external surfaces and are to be peened as external surfaces.
如果大修说明中规定对 “所有外部表面 “或类似的字眼进行喷丸处理,除非另有规定,否则不允许对孔及其边缘进行喷丸处理(表 7 中规定的除外)。例如,腹板区域、角钢内侧、法兰下凹处、夹头的所有表面(但不包括连接孔)以及吊耳之间的区域,这些表面可能被认为是内部表面,但实际上是外部表面,应作为外部表面进行强化处理。
(5) The surface finishes specified by the overhaul instructions are before peening and an as-peened surface roughness is acceptable, unless:
(a) This is a housing bore for a bushing or bearing.
(b) The overhaul instructions specify such conditions as “after peening” or “before bearing installation.”
大修说明规定了 “强化后 “或 “轴承安装前 “等条件。
(6) Shot peen coverage overspray is permitted around threaded holes 0.05-0.15 inch out from the edge of the thread diameter.
螺纹孔周围从螺纹直径边缘向外 0.05-0.15 英寸处允许喷丸覆盖过喷。

*[1] The entry counterbore, countersink or chamfer is part of the bore.
*[2] If the K-hole is not at the full size at the time of shot peening and will be made larger during a subsequent operation, overspray is permitted for holes smaller than 0.50 inch nominal diameter, and shot peening is necessary for holes 0.50 inch nominal diameter or larger.
如果 K 形孔在喷丸时未达到全尺寸,并将在后续操作中扩大,则公称直径小于 0.50 英寸的孔允许过喷,而公称直径大于等于 0.50 英寸的孔则必须进行喷丸处理。
*[3] For aluminum parts, if the thickness to diameter ratio is 1 or less, overspray is permitted if the overspray gives 100 percent coverage.
对于铝制零件,如果厚度与直径之比为 1 或更小,则允许过喷,但过喷的覆盖率必须达到 100%。
*[4] Holes to be shot peened at a higher assembly can be peened at the detail level, but you must obey the post-peen temperature limits of BAC5730 par. 8.15.
要在较高装配下进行喷丸处理的孔可在细节层面进行喷丸处理,但必须遵守 BAC5730 第 8.15 段中的喷丸后温度限制。
*[5] Overspray is permitted if this does not make the surface inside the hole rougher than permitted by the applicable fastener installation specification.
(7) Areas not to be shot peened must have no indentations from the shot. To keep the shot inside the areas to be peened, use masking or baffles which stay serviceable during peening. We recommend masking tape and rubber or metal baffles.
(8) Unless shown differently, the peened-to unpeened or peened-to-fadeout boundary width tolerance is zero into the peened area and 0.125 inch into the area where full peening is not necessary.
除非另有说明,否则喷丸与未喷丸或喷丸与淡出边界宽度公差在喷丸区域为零,在不需要完全喷丸的区域为 0.125 英寸。
(9) Areas in which fadeout peening is necessary must have a gradual decrease in coverage from the area in which peening is specified.
(10) Areas in which peening is optional (or where overspray is permitted) can be:
(a) Fully unpeened.
(b) Used as a fadeout area.
(c) Peened to any combination of intensity and coverage, but none of these two parameters can be larger than that specified for any adjacent area.
(11) In areas where shot peening is optional, no coverage examination is necessary.
(12) After you shot peen, remove all masks and shot from the part by a procedure which will not wear down or scratch the surface.
E. How to Find the Intensity and Adjust the Machine
(1) Get and use the shot as specified in Paragraph 5.A. and Paragraph 5.B.
按照第 5.A 段和第 5.B 段的规定获取和使用喷丸。
(2) Unless other controls are specified by the overhaul instructions, make adjustments to the machine settings that control the intensity while you peen test strips under the shot stream with the same procedure as you will use on the part to be peened. See Figure 2, Figure 3, and Figure 5 for details of mounting test strips. A peened test strip must not be peened again after it is removed from the holder.
除非大修说明中规定了其他控制方法,否则在喷丸流下喷丸测试条时,应在待喷丸工件上使用的相同程序,对控制强度的机器设置进行调整。有关安装测试条的详细信息,请参见图 2、图 3 和图 5。已喷丸的测试条从支架上取下后不得再次喷丸。
(3) To give an accurate intensity reading, the test strip must be peened to saturation. Saturation is that point at which two times the peening time causes a 10 percent or less increase in arc height. The arc height at the saturation point is the intensity. Coverage must be a minimum of 100 percent on the test strip when it is peened to the specified intensity.
为获得准确的强度读数,测试条必须喷丸至饱和状态。饱和点是指喷丸时间的两倍导致弧高增加 10% 或更少。饱和点的弧高就是强度。当喷丸达到指定强度时,测试带的覆盖率必须至少达到 100%。
(4) Start with an estimated setting of the machine. Peen a series of test strips in the shot stream for different lengths of time and make a plot of the arc height versus the exposure time. The shortest exposure must be for less than 100 percent coverage. To identify the saturation point, find the 10 percent increase in the arc height curve between exposure times that have a 2 to 1 ratio. The saturation point is at the lower of the two times. The arc height at the saturation point is the intensity. If the arc height at the saturation point is not within the specified intensity limits, change the machine settings and try again until you get an arc height that is within the specified intensity limits. An example plot is shown in Figure 7.
从机器的预设置开始。在不同时长的喷丸流中喷丸一系列测试条,并绘制弧高与曝光时间的曲线图。最短曝光时间的覆盖率必须小于 100%。要确定饱和点,请找出曝光时间比为 2:1 时,弧高曲线增加的 10%。饱和点位于两次曝光中较低的一次。饱和点处的弧高就是强度。如果饱和点处的弧高不在规定的强度限值范围内,请更改机器设置并再试一次,直到弧高在规定的强度限值范围内。示例图如图 7 所示。
(5) How to measure the arc height
(a) Measure the arc height of the peened test strip with the central part of the unpeened side of the test strip against the probe tip of the Almen test gage as shown in Figure 4. Do not try to make a measurement while the test strip is moved perpendicular to the axis of the probe.
如图 4 所示,将不喷丸的测试带的中心部分对准Almen测试规的探头尖端,测量其弧高。不要在测试条垂直于探头轴线移动时进行测量。
(b) If you get variations in the arc height measurements, try one of these procedures
1) Procedure 1: Presorted test strips
程序 1:预选测试带
a) Measure the flatness of your unpeened test strips with the Almen test gage.
b) Use only those strips that have a flatness of 0.0005 inch or less.
只使用平面度小于或等于 0.0005 英寸的测试带。
c) Save the other strips for Procedure 2.
其他测试带留待程序 2 使用。
2) Procedure 2: Calibrated test strips
程序 2:校准测试带
a) Measure and record the flatness of an individual unpeened test strip as an arc height.
b) Identify the convex side of this strip to be sure this side will be peened.
c) Peen the strip in your usual procedure.
d) Measure and record the peened arc height.
e) Subtract the unpeened arc height from the peened arc height to get the actual arc height of this strip.
(6) Tolerance of Intensity
(a) For steel or ceramic shot (BAC5730):
1) When the overhaul instructions specify an intensity of 0.005 or higher, as one value by itself without a tolerance, for parts to be compression peened only, the intensity tolerance is -0.002 to +0.005, for each A, C, or N scale (BAC5730 par. 8.5.1b.). Thus a specified value of 0.006A permits a range of 0.004A-0.011A.
当大修说明中规定强度为 0.005 或更高时,作为无公差的单独存在,对于仅进行压缩喷丸处理,强度公差为-0.002 至 +0.005的零件,每个 A、C 或 N 刻度(BAC5730 第 8.5.1b 段)。因此,0.006A 的指定值允许 0.004A-0.011A 的范围。
2) When the overhaul instructions specify an intensity of 0.004A or lower, as one value by itself without a tolerance, for parts to be compression peened only, the intensity must be converted to the N scale (multiply the A intensity by 3.0) and the tolerance is -0.002N to +0.005N.
当大修说明中规定的强度值为 0.004A 或更低时,,作为无公差的单独存在,对于只进行压缩喷丸的零件,强度值必须转换为 N 级(将 A 级强度乘以 3.0),公差为 -0.002N 至 +0.005N。
3) When the specified intensity is given as a range, the measured intensity must be in that range.
(b) For glass beads (BAC5951):
1) When the overhaul instructions specify a intensity as one value by itself without a tolerance, the intensity tolerance is ±0.006N (±0.002A) (BAC5951 par. 8.2f.). Thus a specified value of 0.004A permits a range of 0.002A-0.006A.
当大修说明中规定的强度本身为一个值而无公差时,强度公差为 ±0.006N (±0.002A) (BAC5951 第 8.2f 段)。因此,0.004A 的指定值允许 0.002A-0.006A 的范围。
2) When the specified intensity is given as a range (such as 0.009N-0.015N), the measured intensity must be in that range.
当指定强度以范围形式给出时(如 0.009N-0.015N),测量强度必须在该范围内。
F. Peening of Parts
(1) After you prepared the parts as specified in Paragraph 4. and masked them if necessary, mount and peen them with the settings made as specified in Paragraph 5.E. Do not shot peen parts while they are under stress from an external force unless specified by overhaul instructions.
按照第 4.段的规定准备好零件和按需进行遮蔽后,按照第 5.E 段的规定进行安装和喷丸。除非大修说明有规定的要求,否则不要在零件受外力作用时进行喷丸。
(2) The time the part is under the stream is the time for 100% coverage, as specified by Paragraph 5.C. This time can be found as follows:
根据第 5.C 段的规定,零件在流下的时间为 100%覆盖的时间,该时间可按以下方法求得:
(a) For a given machine setting, the time for 100% coverage is a function of the hardness of the material. If the test specimen is peened for a time which gives it 100% coverage, then a material softer than the test specimen will have a minimum of 100% coverage if peened for the same time on each equivalent area.
对于给定的机器设置,100%覆盖的时间是材料硬度的函数。如果测试试样的喷丸时间能使其达到100%的覆盖率,那么比测试试样软的材料如果在每个等效区域喷丸相同的时间,其覆盖率至少也能达到100% 。
(b) A material harder than the test specimen must be peened longer than the test specimen to get 100% coverage.
比测试样本硬度高的材料必须比测试样本喷丸的时间更长,才能获得 100% 的覆盖率。
(c) Then the time for 200% coverage is two times the time necessary to get 100% coverage.
那么 200%覆盖率所需的时间就是 100%覆盖率所需的时间的两倍。
(3) Make intensity determinations at the following minimum intervals:
(a) At the start or during each lot of parts. A lot is a group of parts of similar configuration, with the same peening intensity requirements and with the peened surface at the same angles compared to the stream of shot.
(b) When you adjust machine settings that change the intensity, for example:
1) Nozzle air pressure 喷嘴气压
2) Wheel speed 砂轮速度
3) Feed rate 进料速度
4) Shot size 喷丸尺寸
5) Distance from the nozzle to the part 喷嘴到零件的距离
(c) Every 12 hours of continuous peening operation that uses metal shot.
使用金属喷丸的连续喷丸作业每 12 小时一次。
(d) Every 8 hours of continuous operation that uses glass beads (BAC5951).
使用玻璃珠(BAC5951)的连续作业每 8 小时一次。
(e) Every 4 hours of continuous peening operation that uses ceramic shot.
使用陶瓷喷丸的连续喷丸作业每 4 小时一次。
(f) When you find it necessary for quality of process control.
(4) When you send in a lot of peened parts for examination, be sure to include the test specimens you used to find the intensity for that lot.
(5) When the overhaul instructions do not specify the peening intensity or shot size, see Table 8, Table 9, Table 10 or Table 11.
当大修说明没有规定喷丸强度或喷丸尺寸时,请参见表 8、表 9、表 10 或表 11。
NOTE: Some parts, such as landing gear parts of high strength steel heat treated above 200 ksi, have special shot peen requirements on a manufacturing control drawing such as 160T1000 rather than on the individual part drawing.
注:有些零件,如热处理超过 200 ksi 的高强度钢起落架零件,在制造控制图上(如 160T1000)而不是在单个零件图上有特殊的喷丸要求。

A. After peening, all masking and shot must be removed from the part by a method which will not erode, scratch, or otherwise damage the surface.
B. Peened Surface Modification
(1) General
(a) Unless specified by the overhaul instructions, the amount of material removed must not be more than 10 percent of the nominal Almen A intensity or 0.001 inch, whichever is larger. If the overhaul instructions specify intensity as a range, use the specified minimum intensity value plus 0.002.
除非大修说明规定的,否则去除的材料量不得超过额定 Almen A 强度的 10% 或 0.001 英寸,以较大者为准。如果大修说明规定的强度是一个范围,则使用规定的最小强度值加 0.002。
(b) If the amount of material removed is more than this, peen the affected area again to the original shot size, intensity, and coverage requirements.
(c) As an alternative to Paragraph 6.B.(1)(b), you can:
作为第 6.B.(1)(b)段的替代方法,您可以
1) Peen with glass beads to the original intensity or 0.005A, whichever is less.
用玻璃珠喷丸至原来的强度或 0.005A,以较小者为准。
2) Flap peen to the original intensity and coverage requirements, if the area is not more than 6 square inches.
如果喷丸面积不超过 6 平方英寸,则按原始强度和覆盖率要求进行旋片喷丸。
(d) If you removed material from a part surface mechanically (such as by sanding), remove the sand and debris from the sanded and unsanded surfaces of the part with an air blast or a clean cloth.
(2) Peened Surface Modification by Mechanical Procedures
(a) Light honing, abrasive lapping, hand sanding or abrasive belt polishing of the shot peened surface can be used to adjust to the specified dimensions and surface smoothness. Also, precision reamers can be used in holes of aluminum parts for hole quality after shot peening. But these conditions are necessary:
1) Keep the temperature of the surface within the limits of Table 12.
将表面温度保持在表 12 的范围内。
2) Do the operations as specified by these specifications:
a) BAC5492 for titanium parts
BAC5492 用于钛零件
b) BAC5440 for alloy steel parts heat treated to 180 ksi or higher
BAC5440 用于热处理至 180 ksi 或更高的合金钢零件
c) BAC5748 for all other parts when applicable
BAC5748 适用于所有其他适用零件
(b) Do not remove more material than specified in Paragraph 6.B.(1)(a)
切勿去除超过第 6.B.(1)(a)段规定的材料
(3) Peened Surface Modification by Secondary Peening
(a) Shot peening of a peened surface at intensity values less than the minimum value specified by the overhaul instructions is a secondary peening operation.
(b) Make sure the first peening operation on the part is complete.
(c) The surface finish can be made smoother, without overhaul instructions, by one of these secondary peening operations, by automatic or manual air blast peening (BAC5730) or by self-contained peening (BAC5730-2):
1) Air blast peening at a lower intensity with the same or larger size of shot that was used in the first shot peening. Total coverage (original plus this added coverage) must not be more than 600%, and the final surface must be smoother than the original peened surface.
使用与第一次喷丸强化相同或更大尺寸的喷丸,以较低的强度进行喷丸。总覆盖率(原始覆盖率加上此次增加的覆盖率)不得超过 600%,最终表面必须比原始喷丸表面更光滑。
2) Parts that were shot peened by other than glass beads can be peened by glass beads (BAC5951) to the original intensity or 0.005A, whichever is lower, and the final surface must be smoother than the original peened surface.
用玻璃珠以外的方法进行喷丸的零件,可用玻璃珠(BAC5951)喷丸到原始强度或 0.005A,以较低者为准,最终表面必须比原始喷丸表面更光滑。
C. Unless specified in Paragraph 6.B., no procedures are permitted that relieve the stresses that were added by shot peening or which add unwanted residual stresses. If the overhaul instructions specify a post-shot peening procedure that heats the part, use the limits specified by that procedure. Otherwise, use the limits of Table 12.
除第 6.B. 段规定的情况外,不允许使用任何程序来消除喷丸所增加的应力或增加的不必要残余应力。如果大修说明中规定了加热零件的喷丸后程序,则使用该程序规定的限值。否则,请使用表 12 中的限值。

D. These procedures are not permitted after shot peening:
(1) Grinding, unless to grind electroplated or other coatings as specified within those procedures.
(2) Etching or abrasive blasting that removes more material than that permitted by Paragraph 6.B.(1)(a).
蚀刻或喷砂,去除超过第 6.B.(1)(a)段所允许的多余材料。
(3) Scribe marks, unless specified by the overhaul instructions.
E. After peening, clean the parts as follows (unless the parts will get chemical treatment that will remove residues):
(1) Alloy steels (less than 220 ksi) — Abrasive clean as specified in BAC5748, or clean as specified in BAC5751 (SOPM 20-30-03).
合金钢(小于 220 ksi)–按 BAC5748 规定的磨料清洁,或按 BAC5751 规定的清洁(SOPM 20-30-03)。
(2) Alloy steels (220 ksi and higher) — Abrasive clean as specified in BAC5748 (SOPM 20-30-03).
合金钢(220 ksi 及以上)–按 BAC5748(SOPM 20-30-03)规定的研磨清洁。
(3) Titanium alloy — Clean as specified in BAC5753, Table V:
钛合金 — 按 BAC5753 表 V 规定的方法清洁:
NOTE: Passivation verification in accordance with BAC5625 is permitted to verify the removal of steel shot peen residue. Shot peening with steel shot media only. Glass bead and ceramic shot peen media excluded.
注:允许按照 BAC5625 进行钝化验证,以验证钢丸喷丸残留物的清除情况。仅使用钢丸介质进行喷丸处理。玻璃珠和陶瓷喷丸介质除外。
(a) BAC5753 Method 1, Solution 29.
BAC5753 方法 1,溶液 29。
(b) BAC5753 Method 2:
BAC5753 方法 2:
1) For alloy Ti-3Al-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr use only Solution 2 or Solution 3.
对于合金 Ti-3Al-8V-6Cr-4Mo-4Zr 仅使用溶液 2 或溶液 3。
2) For alloys Ti-15V-3Cr-3AI-3Sn and Ti-10V-2Fe-3AI use only Solution 2 or Solution 3.
对于合金 Ti-15V-3Cr-3AI-3Sn 和 Ti-10V-2Fe-3AI 只能使用溶液 2 或溶液 3。
3) For alloy Ti-6Al-4V processed above the Beta Transus or beta annealed use only Solution 2 or Solution 3.
对于在 Beta Transus 以上加工或 beta 退火的合金 Ti-6Al-4V,只能使用溶液 2 或溶液 3。
4) For alloy Ti-5Mo-5Al-5V-3Cr use only Solution 2 or Solution 14.
对于合金 Ti-5Mo-5Al-5V-3Cr 只能使用溶液 2 或溶液 14。
(c) BAC5753 Method 5B.
BAC5753 方法 5B。
NOTE: For areas less than 8 square inches that require localized etching, Method 5B is permitted in place of Method 2.
注:对于需要局部蚀刻的小于 8 平方英寸的区域,允许用方法 5B 代替方法 2。
(d) BAC5753 Method 9.
BAC5753 方法 9。
(4) Aluminum alloy — Clean as specified in BAC5765. (Use Method 1, Solution 3 on glass-bead-peened aluminum.)
铝合金 — 按 BAC5765 规定的方法清洁。(在玻璃珠喷丸的铝材上使用方法 1,溶液 3)。
(5) CRES — Clean as specified in BAC5625 (SOPM 20-30-03).
CRES — 按 BAC5625(SOPM 20-30-03)规定的方法清洁。
(6) Nickel and cobalt alloys — Clean as specified in BAC5758 (SOPM 20-30-03).
镍及钴合金 — 按 BAC5758(SOPM 20-30-03)规定的方法清洁。
F. Give peened parts protection from corrosion as specified in BAC5034 (SOPM 20-44-02) as necessary during the procedures and until final coatings are applied.
按 BAC5034 (SOPM 20-44-02)规定,喷丸零件在程序期间及最终涂层涂敷前给予必要的防腐蚀保护。
G. Apply all protective finishes after shot peening, unless specified differently by the overhaul instructions.
7. SELF-CONTAINED SHOT PEENING (BAC5730-2) 独立式喷丸强化(BAC5730-2)
警告 :在喷丸操作过程中,必须始终佩戴护目镜。
A. General
(1) Use this procedure to shot peen relatively small areas of metal surfaces to give the surfaces a compressive layer.
(2) The procedure keeps the shot on the tool and prevents contamination of the adjacent areas by loose shot.
(3) Refer to other paragraphs of this manual for more general details.
B. Wheel Preparation
(1) Assemble the peening wheel components as shown in Figure 6.
按图 6 所示组装喷丸轮部件。
(2) If the wheel is new, its shot could have adhesive on it. To be sure the adhesive is gone before you use the wheel, clean the surface of the shot with 320-400 grit silicon carbide or aluminum oxide paper.
如果砂轮是新的,其丸料上可能有粘合剂。在使用前,用 320-400 号碳化硅砂纸或氧化铝砂纸清洁丸料表面,以确保粘合剂已清除。
C. How to Find the Intensity
(1) Mount an Almen test strip in position with a magnetic specimen holder.
(2) Use a wheel as specified in Table 13.
使用表 13 规定的砂轮。
(3) Start with a wheel speed as specified in Figure 8.
从图 8 规定的砂轮速度开始。
(4) Peen a series of Almen test strips for different exposure times. Peen the first strip to give it less than 90% coverage. Measure and record the arc height of each strip. Multiply each arc height by 0.77 because the strips were peened in a magnetic holder. Make a plot of the adjusted (corrected) arc heights versus time. A example plot is shown in Figure 7. The intensity is the point from which the arc height does not increase by more than 10 percent when the peening time is doubled. The coverage must be a minimum of 100% on the strip that has the specified intensity.
喷丸一系列不同曝光时间的 Almen 测试带。喷丸第一条测试带的覆盖率小于 90%。测量并记录每个测试带的弧高。将每个弧高乘以 0.77,因为测试带是在磁性夹具中喷丸的。绘制调整(校正)后的弧高与时间的关系图。示例图如图 7 所示。强度是指当喷丸时间增加一倍时,弧高增加不超过 10% 的点。在具有规定强度的测试带上,覆盖率必须至少为 100%。
NOTE: To find the distance between the tool and the surface, lower the tool (with the wheel at the specified speed) onto the workpiece until you feel a strong resistance. Keep this distance during peening. Hold the tool to keep the mandrel parallel to the surface of the part. Move the tool around during peening to prevent unwanted score marks on the work.
(5) If the corrected Almen intensity is not within the intensity range specified, or within -0.002A and +0.003A of an intensity specified as one value by itself without a tolerance, adjust the wheel speed and do Paragraph 7.C.(1) thru Paragraph 7.C.(4) again with a new Almen test strip (BAC5730-2 PSD 6-2).
如果校正后的 Almen 强度不在规定的强度范围内,或在规定的强度的 -0.002A 和 +0.003A 范围内,且该强度本身为一个值,没有公差,则调整砂轮速度,并用新的 Almen 测试条 (BAC5730-2 PSD 6-2)再次执行第 7.C.(1) 至 7.C.(4) 段。

D. Peening Production Parts
(1) Remove all paint, plating, conversion coating and surface contamination (grease, oil, etc.) from the area to be peened as follows:
按以下步骤清除待喷丸区域的所有油漆、电镀层、转换涂层和表面污染物 (油脂、油等):
(a) Paint — BAC5725 (Stripping Organic Finishes in SOPM 20-30-02)
油漆–BAC5725(SOPM 20-30-02,剥离有机涂层)
(b) Plating and conversion coating — BAC5771 (Stripping Inorganic Finishes in SOPM 20-30-02)
电镀和转换涂层 — BAC5771(SOPM 20-30-02,剥离无机涂层)
(c) Surface contamination (SOPM 20-30-03)
表面污染(SOPM 20-30-03)
1) BAC5744 (Manual Cleaning)
2) BAC5750 (Solvent Cleaning)
(2) Use the same tool speed and distance between the tool and the work surface as you used to find the intensity in Paragraph 7.C.
使用与第 7.C 段中计算强度时相同的工具速度和工具与工作面之间的距离。
(3) Peen the parts for 200% coverage (two times the length of time necessary to get 100% coverage and Almen strip saturation). To make sure, visually examine the surface of the part at 10X magnification to see that all of the original surface is replaced with overlapping indentations. A test panel of the same chemical composition and hardness as the part can be used as an alternative to the part to get to know the coverage.
对零件进行 200% 覆盖率的喷丸处理(两倍于获得 100% 覆盖率和 Almen 测试带饱和度所需的时长)。为确保万无一失,用 10 倍放大镜目测零件表面,看是否所有原始表面都被重叠的压痕取代。可以用一块与零件化学成分和硬度相同的试板来替代零件,以了解覆盖率。
(4) To flap peen holes, find the wheel speed from Table 14.
要进行旋片喷丸孔加工,请使用表 14 中的砂轮速度。
(5) Limitations – holes smaller than 1.25 inches cannot be peened with the 1 x 2 inch wheel. Holes smaller than 0.75 inch cannot be peened with the 9/16 x 1 ¼ inch wheel.
限制 – 1 x 2 英寸砂轮不能喷丸小于 1.25 英寸的孔。小于 0.75 英寸的孔不能用 9/16 x 1 ¼ 英寸砂轮喷丸。
E. Flap Wheel Maintenance
(1) Replace the flap wheel when more than 20% of its shot is gone.
当旋片轮磨损超过 20% 时,应更换旋片轮。
(2) Condition new wheels as specified in Paragraph 7.B.(2). If you replace a wheel during a peening operation, it is not necessary to do the intensity procedure of Paragraph 7.C. again.
按照第 7.B.(2)段规定的方法保养新轮。如果在喷丸操作过程中更换砂轮,则无需再次执行第 7.C. 段的强度程序。
F. After peening, solvent clean the area by hand as specified in BAC5750 (SOPM 20-30-03) to remove unwanted matter.
喷丸后,按 BAC5750 (SOPM 20-30-03)规定的方法手工进行溶剂清洗,以去除不需要的物质。