A. The data in this subject comes from Boeing Process Specifications BAC5242 (which supersedes BAC5044), BAC5065 (which supersedes BAC5046) and BAC5155. The airline has a copy of the Boeing Process Specification Manual.
本主题中的数据来自波音工艺规范 BAC5242(取代 BAC5044)、BAC5065(取代 BAC5046)和 BAC5155。航空公司拥有一份波音工艺规范手册。
B. The data is general. It is not about all situations or specific installations. Use this data as a guide to help you write minimum standards.
C. For soldering of surface mounted devices refer to SOPM 20-11-07.
关于表面安装设备的焊接,请参考 SOPM 20-11-07。
D. Refer to SOPM 20-00-00 for a list of all the vendor names and addresses.
请参阅 SOPM 20-00-00,了解所有供应商的名称和地址。
A. Solder alloys (ANSI/J-STD-006)
(1) Tin/lead wire form with rosin flux
(a) Sn60WRP2 (ANSI/J-STD-006, Type W-(Sn60A or Sn60C or Pb40A)-ROL0-4)
(b) Sn60WRP3 (ANSI/J-STD-006, Type W-(Sn60A or Sn60C or Pb40A)-ROL0-6 or -7)
(c) Sn63WRP2 (ANSI/J-STD-006, Type W-(Sn63A or Sn63C or Pb37A)-ROL0-4)
(d) Sn63WRP3 (ANSI/J-STD-006, Type W-(Sn63A or Sn63C or Pb37A)-ROL0-6 or -7)
(2) Tin/lead wire form with mildly activated flux
(a) Sn60WRMAP2 (ANSI/J-STD-006, Type W-(Sn60A or Sn60C or Pb40A)-ROL1-4)
(b) Sn60WRMAP3 (ANSI/J-STD-006, Type W-(Sn60A or Sn60C or Pb40A)-ROL1-6 or -7)
(c) Sn63WRMAP2 (ANSI/J-STD-006, Type W-(Sn63A or Sn63C or Pb37A)-ROL1-4)
(d) Sn63WRMAP3 (ANSI/J-STD-006, Type W-(Sn63A or Sn63C or Pb37A)-ROL1-6 or -7)
(3) Tin/silver wire form with mildly activated flux, high temperature
(a) Sn96WRMAP2 (ANSI/J-STD-006, Type W-(Sn96A-ROL1-4)
(b) Sn96WRMAP3 (ANSI/J-STD-006, Type W-(Sn96A-ROL1-6 or -7)
B. Fluxes (ANSI/J-STD-004)
(1) Non activated — Kester 135, V14597
(2) Mildly activated — Kester 197, V14597, or Almit RF-35-RMA
C. Solvents
(1) Isopropyl Alcohol — TT-I-735
D. Abrasives
(1) Aluminum oxide cloth
(2) Emery cloth or paper, wet or dry, 320-400 grit
(3) Scotch-Brite pads, Type A, Very Fine, V78381
E. Hand Lotions
(1) North 212 Skin Conditioner, V11392
(2) I.C. Lotion, V0KDZ6
F. Tools to Heat Shrink Solder Sleeves
(1) Infrared Heat Guns
(a) Raychem IR500 with RG-2 reflector or 993709 tubing reflector, V06090
(b) Raychem IR550 Mark II with RG-2 reflector, V06090
(c) Raychem IR1000 or IR1003 Zap Gun, V06090
(d) Boeing ST2021C or ST2021J hand model or ST2021D bench model
(2) Hot air heat guns
(a) Raychem AA-400, V06090
(b) Raychem CV-5300 with MG-1 reflector, V06090
(c) Raychem CV-5700 Mini Gun 3 with MG-7 reflector, V06090
G. Resistance Soldering Equipment — Contact (V07015) Model H-101-CD-T-103
电阻焊接设备- Contact (V07015) Model H-101-CD-T-103
A. Solder in a room that is as clean as Class 1,500,000 of BAC5703, with 66-84°F air temperature and a maximum relative humidity of 65%. If the relative humidity goes below 30%, use the procedures for electrostatic discharge sensitive (ESDS) control per BAC5485 (Ref SOPM 20-12-02). A BAC5703 Class 1,500,000 controlled area has these properties:
在清洁度达到 BAC5703 的 1,500,000 级、空气温度为 66-84°F 和最大相对湿度为 65% 的房间内进行焊接。如果相对湿度低于 30%,则使用 BAC5485 (Ref SOPM 20-12-02)规定的静电放电敏感 (ESDS) 控制程序。BAC5703 1,500,000 级控制区具有以下特性:
(1) Persons are permitted to eat, drink or smoke only in specified areas away from the work stations or airplane components.
(2) Work stations must be visually clean from a distance of 2-3 feet.
工作站必须在 2-3 英尺的距离内保持清洁。
(3) The air pressure of the atmosphere inside must be kept higher than the areas outside.
(4) If shop coats are necessary, they must not be worn with the garment open or sleeves rolled-up to expose personal clothes.
(5) If finger cots or gloves are necessary, they must be removed when persons go out of the controlled area. Gloves must be replaced when visually dirty. Finger cots must be discarded after they are used.
B. Only the approved hand lotions can be used by soldering technicians during these procedures. Contamination from other hand lotions, perfumes and cosmetics, which could possibly not be seen during inspection, can cause hardware failure during environmental tests. Before you touch the hardware, wash all such materials from your hands and rinse with clean water. Then you can apply the approved hand lotions, if necessary.
C. White cotton or nylon gloves are recommended during soldering operations. Finger cots can be used if bare skin will not touch parts.
D. Keep the soldering tip tight in the heating element. Keep the tip clean and coated with a continuous layer of solder. A small amount of solder can be applied to the tip as necessary.
E. Soldering Iron Temperature Control — Usually, if the soldering iron is operated at the specified voltage, temperature control is not necessary. But if the iron is kept on at full heat a long time and not kept clean, oxides could occur on the tip and cause contamination and corrosion. This problem could be decreased if the temperature is decreased while the iron is not used, but you must make sure the iron is back at full heat before you start to solder again.
烙铁温度控制 — 通常情况下,如果烙铁是在规定的电压下工作,就没有必要进行温度控制。但如果烙铁长时间处于全热状态且不保持清洁,烙铁头上可能会产生氧化物,从而造成污染和腐蚀。如果在不使用烙铁的情况下降低温度,则可以减少这一问题,但必须确保在重新开始焊接之前烙铁已恢复全热。
F. Preparation of Conductors and Terminals
(1) Remove a sufficient length of insulation from the wire to permit an inspection gap between the end of the insulation and the end of the solder on the bare conductor after the connection is soldered. As a minimum, the insulation must not be included in the solder. As a maximum, the gap must be the larger of 0.060 inch or 2 wire diameters (insulation included), but not that long that a short circuit with adjacent conductors could occur.
从导线上切除足够长的绝缘层,以便在焊接连接后在绝缘层末端和裸导体上的焊料末端之间留出检查间隙。最低限度,绝缘层不得包括在焊料中。最大间隙必须为 0.060 英寸或 2 个导线直径(包括绝缘层)中的较大者,但不能过长,以免与相邻导体发生短路。
(2) Keep the wire stripper tools visually clean. Repair or replace tools that get mechanical damage.
(3) Some scraped wire strands are permitted if there is no bare metal. Bare metal is permitted on the cut ends of the wires. Broken strands are permitted, within the limits specified in BAC5044, unless the wire will be used at 6,000 volts or more.
如果没有裸金属,允许刮掉一些导线股。导线的切端允许有裸金属。在 BAC5044 规定的范围内,允许断股,除非电线将在 6000 伏或更高电压下使用。
(4) The insulation must not be burnt, frayed, split, punctured or crushed, when examined visually without magnification.
(5) Clean the wires, part leads and terminals (but not flatpacks) as necessary, to be sure the solder will make a good bond. Remove oxides, tarnish, and other contamination with rubber erasers, fiberglass rods, tinned copper shield braid, or abrasive material. Hold the part leads tightly between the body and the surface to be cleaned. Be careful not to bend or put stress on the joint between the wire and the body of the part. Then clean the surfaces with isopropyl alcohol.
(6) When you attach part leads to lugs or terminals or parts bonded to a circuit board, make a stress-relief bend in each lead. Only one of the two leads must be bent if the part will not be bonded, or not to be given a conformal coating. Hold the lead between the part body and the bend to prevent stress in the wire joint at the body. Start the bend no nearer than 0.03-inch from the part body.
将零件引线连接到接线片、端子或粘接到电路板上的零件时,应在每根引线上做一个消除应力的弯曲。如果不对零件进行粘接或不进行保形涂层,则必须只弯曲两条引线中的一条。将引线夹在零件本体和弯曲处之间,以防止本体上的导线接头处产生应力。开始弯曲时不要离零件本体超过 0.03 英寸。
A. General
(1) Bend, install, or hold conductors and part leads to not let them move while the hot solder cools and becomes solid.
(2) If the component is identified as heat-sensitive, be sure to install a heat shunt between the body of the part and the location to be touched by the soldering iron tip (Figure 1). Heat shunts can also be used to give protection to insulation when you solder stranded conductors.
如果确定零件对热敏感,应确保在零件主体和烙铁头接触的位置之间安装热分流器(图 1)。在焊接绞合导体时,也可以使用热分流器来保护绝缘。
(3) Apply the soldering iron tip to the connection area to supply a maximum of heat to the metal surfaces to be soldered. But also make sure you give maximum protection to the parts that could be damaged by the heat.
(4) Wait until the metal surfaces get to the melting temperature of the solder. Then apply solder to the metal surfaces and let it flow into the joint. If possible, do not let the solder wire touch the soldering iron tip.
(5) On printed circuit boards, keep to a minimum the time and pressure of the soldering iron to prevent damage to the boards, adjacent components, insulation and parts. Do not apply the iron longer than 3 seconds.
在印刷电路板上,应尽量减少烙铁的使用时间和压力,以防损坏电路板、邻近的元件、绝缘层和零件。使用烙铁的时间不要超过 3 秒钟。
(6) If a soldered joint must be heated again, let it cool approximately 30 seconds before you apply the heat again.
如果必须再次加热焊接点,应让其冷却约 30 秒后再加热。
警告 :请勿对未密封部件、封装或浇注组件或未密封电解电容器进行蒸汽脱脂、放入溶剂中或用水清洗。
(7) Clean off the flux from the soldered areas and adjacent areas
(a) For rosin flux (Type R) use isopropyl alcohol (BAC5225 Type 1, Class 1, 2, or 6). Start to clean the areas within 1 hour after the solder is cool and solid.
对于松香助焊剂(R 型),使用异丙醇(BAC5225 1 型 1、2 或 6 级)。在焊料冷却凝固后 1 小时内开始清洁焊接区域。
(b) For activated flux (Type RMA), use isopropyl alcohol (BAC5225 Type 1, Class 1, 2, or 6) and then the Axarel 32/ECD batch washing system (BAC5225 Type 4, Class 1 or Class 3). Start to clean the areas within 1 hour after the solder is cool and solid, and complete the cleaning in 8 hours.
对于活性助焊剂(RMA 型),使用异丙醇(BAC5225 1 型,1 级、2 级或 6 级),然后使用 Axarel 32/ECD 批次清洗系统(BAC5225 4 型,1 级或 3 级)。在焊料冷却凝固后 1 小时内开始清洗,并在 8 小时内完成清洗。
B. Hand Tinning Procedure
(1) You can use a soldering iron or resistance soldering electrodes to apply heat. If you use the soldering iron, be sure to keep the tip clean and coated with a continuous layer of solder. If you use the electrodes, do not apply or remove them while the power is on.
(2) Heat shunts are necessary on all but connectors, wire, terminals, pins or contacts. Keep the jaw faces of the shunts clean of contamination and corrosion. Do not set the iron temperature higher then 700°F.
除了连接器、导线、端子、引脚或插针外,其他所有地方都需要热分流。保持分流器钳口表面清洁,防止污染和腐蚀。熨斗温度不要高于 700°F。
(3) Heat the area to be tinned. Then apply flux-cored solder to make a smooth, continuous shiny surface. Do not let the iron stay on the surface more than a total of 5 seconds during the operation.
加热要镀锡的区域。然后涂上带助焊剂的焊料,使表面光滑、持续发亮。在操作过程中,不要让烙铁在表面上停留超过 5 秒钟。
(4) If necessary, you can do Paragraph 4.B.(3) again, but not more than two more times.
如有必要,可再次执行第 4.B.(3)段,但不得超过两次。
(5) Remove flux residues per Paragraph 4.A.(7) above.
按照上述第 4.A.(7)段清除助焊剂残留物。
C. Soldering to Terminals and Lugs
(1) The source data, such as BAC5043, BAC5242, BAC5065, tells how to make connections when the components are built at the factory. For overhaul operations, use the original configurations as a guide. Refer to SOPM 20-11-01 for instructions about how to bend and install the wires and component leads if you cannot tell how to make the connections from the original details. Some details are given in the steps below.
BAC5043、BAC5242、BAC5065 等原始数据说明了组件在工厂制造时的连接方式。对于大修操作,请使用原始配置作为指导。如果无法从原始详细说明中了解如何进行连接,请参阅 SOPM 20-11-01,了解有关如何弯曲和安装导线和组件引线的说明。下面的步骤给出了一些详细说明。
(2) Wrap the wires around the terminals a minimum of 180-degrees unless these are forked terminals or one wire goes through a series of terminals. Do not overlap wraps or wires.
将导线缠绕在端子上至少 180 度,除非这些端子是叉形端子或一条导线穿过一系列端子。不要重叠缠绕或接线。
(3) One continuous wire can be used to connect a series of connectors. At the first and last terminal, attach the wire to the terminal as if this was the only terminal. For the terminals in between, send the wire straight through, and make sure you solder the wire to a minimum of two surfaces of each of these terminals.
(4) For stress relief, make a bend in the leads of parts attached to or between terminals, as shown in SOPM 20-11-01. When you make the bend, be sure to hold the lead at a point between the part body and the location of the bend.
如 SOPM 20-11-01 所示,在与端子相连或介于端子之间的零件引线上弯曲,以消除应力。在弯曲时,一定要在零件本体和弯曲位置之间的一点夹住引线。
(5) If the distance between two terminals is 0.75-inch or less, you can use solid wire of the same size, as an alternative to stranded wire, but only if the specified wire size is 22-gage or thinner.
如果两个端子之间的距离为 0.75 英寸或更短,可以使用相同规格的实心导线来替代绞合导线,但前提是规定的导线规格为 22 号或更细。
(6) If the terminal or connection will have more than one conductor attached, it is best to solder all of the conductors at the same time.
D. Soldering to Solder Cups (Figure 2)
焊接到焊杯上(图 2)
NOTE: Resistance heating is preferred, but you can use a soldering iron with or without resistance heating equipment.
(1) Attach resistance electrodes to the outside surface of the solder cup near the bottom while the power to the electrodes is off.
(2) Energize the resistance electrodes, or use the soldering iron, to apply heat to the outside of the solder cup.
(3) When the cup becomes as hot as the melting point of the solder, melt a sufficient quantity of flux-cored solder in the cup to make a satisfactory fillet after the wires are installed, within the limits shown.
(4) Strip and cut the wire to let it fit into the cup to the bottom, as shown. Install the wire as shown. Make sure the melted solder fills the inspection hole, wets the complete circumference of the bottom of the cup interior, and does not overflow the hole. A thin layer on the outside surface of the cup is permitted.
(5) Remove the soldering iron, or turn off the power to the resistance electrodes. Do not remove the electrodes from the cup until the solder cools and becomes solid.
(6) Remove flux as necessary per Paragraph 4.A.(7).
根据第 4.A.(7)段,必要时去除助焊剂。
(7) For good heat, keep the electrodes and ground connectors tight and clean. Clean the electrode tips as necessary with abrasive of 325-grit or finer and then wipe them with isopropyl alcohol.
为保持良好的发热性能,应保持电极和接地接头的紧固和清洁。必要时用 325 号或更细的砂纸清洁电极头,然后用异丙醇擦拭。
E. Printed Circuit Boards
(1) Mechanically install the electronic parts on the board per SOPM 20-11-01 and the overhaul instructions. If the unit is identified as electrostatic discharge sensitive (ESDS), refer to SOPM 20-12-02 for special instructions.
按照 SOPM 20-11-01 和大修说明,以机械方式安装电路板上的电子零件。如果设备被确定为静电放电敏感 (ESDS),请参阅 SOPM 20-12-02 以了解特殊说明。
(2) The soldered connection must not have a frosty, ridged, fluted or grainy finish, unless one or more of these conditions is applicable:
(a) The solder cooled slowly because the component was an unusually large mass of metal.
(b) The conductor was untinned gold.
(c) The joint was exposed to vapor phase reflow.
(d) The joint was made with high-temperature solder.
(3) Flux stains of solder surfaces on the component side of the circuit board are acceptable.
(4) These solder joint conditions are not acceptable:
(a) Cold solder joint
(b) Too much solder
(c) Flux residue
(d) Unwanted matter or contamination in the solder
(e) Broken solder joint
(f) Insufficient or no solder
(g) Rosin, not solder, makes the joint
(h) Voids
(i) Disturbed solder joint
(j) Too much heat
(5) Bare copper or copper alloys on the lead ends are permitted.
(6) Solder can go into the bend radius of a horizontally-installed axial-lead component (such as a resistor) at one or both ends if the solder does not extend outside of the pad diameter.
(7) Plated-through holes that contain wires or leads must be filled with solder. A depression on one or both sides is acceptable, but cannot be deeper than 25% of the board thickness.
含有导线或引线的镀通孔必须用焊料填满。一侧或两侧的凹陷是可以接受的,但深度不能超过电路板厚度的 25%。

A. Solder joints can be touched up or soldered again as necessary. This includes such conditions as too much solder, not sufficient solder, peaks, points (icicles), bridges, spatter, pits, scars, holes and voids.
B. Solder connections can be touched up again and again if the results agree with the quality controls of BAC5242. But keep to a minimum the number of times you do this to joints on circuit boards, to prevent damage.
如果结果符合 BAC5242 的质量控制要求,可以反复润饰焊接连接。但要尽量减少对电路板上的焊点进行修补的次数,以防造成损坏。
C. Heat the soldered area and correct the problem as quickly as possible after the solder melts. Add more solder or flux as necessary.
D. Unwanted solder can be soaked up with wicking material (Paragraph 5.E.) or a tool that melts the solder and removes it with vacuum (Paragraph 5.F.).
可以用吸芯材料(第 5.E 段)或熔化焊料并用真空去除焊料的工具(第 5.F 段)吸掉多余的焊料。
E. To use wicking material, use shield braid from coaxial cable, a vendor product such as Solder Wick (V34605) or a stranded wire with the insulation removed.
要使用吸芯材料,可使用同轴电缆的屏蔽编织线、焊芯 (V34605) 等供应商产品或去掉绝缘层的绞合导线。
(1) Apply liquid flux to the shield braid or the stranded conductor. Solder Wick comes with flux in it.
(2) Put the wicking material or stranded conductor on the soldered connection and apply the hot tip of a soldering iron on top.
(3) Let the heated wick soak up the solder as necessary. Then remove the wick and the iron from the joint.
F. To use a vacuum solder removal tool, apply the heat source to the area, operate the tool to remove the solder as necessary, then remove the tool and the heat source.
A. General
警告 :不要在有易燃液体、蒸汽或气体的地方使用红外线或热风设备。
(1) The solder sleeve must be in the center of the splice.
(2) Conductor strands must lie flat and not go through the solder sleeve.
(3) The solder ring must be completely melted and flowed onto the adjacent surfaces.
(4) The solder joint must be resistant to a tensile test of 20 pounds or, as a minimum, be as strong as the tensile strength of the wire or braid.
焊点必须能承受 20 磅的拉伸试验,或至少与导线或编织线的拉伸强度相同。
(5) Use Method A, B, C or D as follows:
使用方法 A、B、C 或 D 如下:
(a) For the BACS13BH (Raychem D144) series of solder sleeves, use Method A, C, or D.
对于 BACS13BH(Raychem D144)系列焊套,使用方法 A、C 或 D。
(b) For the M83519/1 series of solder sleeves, use Method A, B, C or D.
对于 M83519/1 系列焊套,使用方法 A、B、C 或 D。
(c) For the obsolete NAS1745 (Raychem D100) series of solder sleeves, use Method B.
对于老式的 NAS1745(Raychem D100)系列焊套,使用方法 B。
(d) For the obsolete NAS1746-2,-3, or -4 solder sleeves, use Method A or B.
对于老式的 NAS1746-2、-3 或 -4 焊套,使用方法 A 或 B。
(6) Do not use solder sleeves on wires with a temperature rating less than 150°C (302°F) or if the conductors are nickel plated. Do not use solder sleeves in high-temperature applications (higher than 150°C (302°F) because the heat could melt the solder sleeve again.
请勿在温度低于 150°C (302°F) 或导体镀镍的导线上使用焊接套管。不要在高温应用中使用焊套(高于 150°C (302°F)),因为高温可能会再次熔化焊套。
B. Method A (Infrared)
方法 A(红外线)
(1) Put the solder sleeve in the center of the reflector of the IR500, IR550, or IR1759 gun.
将焊套放在 IR500、IR550 或 IR1759 喷枪反射器的中心。
(2) Push the switch to operate the gun. Look at the solder sleeve during the shrinking operation.
(3) When you see that the sleeve is melted and flowed, release the switch and remove the sleeve from the reflector.
C. Method B (Hot Air)
方法 B (热空气)
(1) Turn on the AA-400, CV-5300 or CV-5700 gun.
打开 AA-400、CV-5300 或 CV-5700 喷枪。
(2) Put the solder sleeve in the center of the reflector gun. Look at the solder sleeve during the shrinking operation.
(3) When you see that the sleeve is melted and flowed, remove the sleeve from the reflector.
D. Method C (Infrared)
方法 C(红外线)
(1) Fully open the nose cone of the IR1000 or IR1003 zap gun.
完全打开 IR1000 或 IR1003 扎枪的前锥。
(2) Put the solder sleeve and wires within the reflector opening with the wire against the back shields and the solder sleeve in the space between the back shields.
(3) Close the nose cone, and make sure the fingers clamp the wires against the back shields. Then push the actuator switch to start the heat cycle.
(4) Remove the solder sleeve assembly 2 to 3 seconds after the lamp goes off.
在灯熄灭 2 至 3 秒后取下焊套组件。
(5) Examine the solder joint. If the timer is correctly set, the solder ring will be completely melted, the adjacent surfaces will be wet with the solder, and the solder surface will be bright and shiny. Decrease the time in 1/4-second increments if too much solder drained from the joint or if the sleeve is burned. Increase the time in 1/4-second increments if the solder is a dull gray color with a grainy surface, or if the solder ring is not completely melted.
检查焊点。如果定时器设置正确,焊环将完全熔化,相邻表面将被焊料浸湿,焊接表面将光亮。如果从焊点流出的焊料过多或套管烧焦,则以 1/4 秒为单位缩短时间。如果焊料颜色暗灰,表面有颗粒,或者焊环没有完全熔化,则以 1/4 秒为单位增加时间。
(6) Make a check of the strength of the connection. Hold each wire between your thumb and forefinger and pull slowly until your thumb and forefinger slip on the wire.
E. Method D (Infrared)
方法 D(红外线)
(1) Put the solder sleeve in the ST2021C, ST2021D, or ST2021J heat unit and turn on the infrared lamps.
将焊管放入 ST2021C、ST2021D 或 ST2021J 加热装置中,打开红外线灯。
(2) After the solder ring is melted and flowed, remove the sleeve from the heat unit.