1. General 通用
Information provided in this manual pertains to overhaul and repair processing for parts manufactured by Honeywell Inc., Phoenix, Arizona.
Specific instructions and authority for applying processes to parts are covered in applicable Overhaul Manuals, Component Maintenance Manuals, Inspection/Repair Manuals, Workscope Planning Guides, Repair Manuals, and Maintenance Manuals for the unit in work. The procedures in this manual should only be used when specifically referenced from one of these manuals. If data contained in a manual covering a specific unit conflict with data contained in this manual, the manual covering the specific unit will take precedence.
Layout of this manual generally follows Air Transport Association Specification No. 100 as reflected in the Table of Contents.
本手册的排版一般遵循目录中反映的美国航空运输协会规范 100。
Equipment, consumables, and specifications referenced in the text (SECTION VII) are listed in SECTION VII Appendix, along with the manufacturers names and addresses. Specific methods are referenced in the text as shown in the following examples: (Method No. 203C indicates a specific cleaning method), (Method No. 405B indicates a specific repair method). Refer to the Table of Contents for chapter indicated.
正文(第七节)中引用的设备、耗材和规范以及制造商名称和地址列于第七节附录中。正文中引用的特定方法如下例所示:(方法编号 203C 表示一种特定的清洁方法),(方法编号 405B 表示一种特定的维修方法)。请参阅目录以了解所指示的章节。
2. Abbreviations and Definitions 缩写和定义
Abbreviations used throughout the manual are explained in Table 1.
Table 1. Abbreviations and Definitions 表1. 缩写和定义 |
Abbreviation 缩写 |
Definitions 定义 |
ac |
Alternating current |
交流电 |
American Iron and Steel Institute |
美国钢铁协会 |
amp |
Ampere(s) |
安培 |
Aerospace Material Specification |
航空航天材料规范 |
American Society for Testing and Materials |
美国材料与试验协会 |
Air Transport Association |
航空运输协会 |
American Welding Society |
美国焊接协会 |
C |
Celsius or Centigrade |
摄氏度或摄氏 |
dc |
Direct current |
直流电 |
Dia |
Diameter |
直径 |
Dim. |
Dimension |
尺寸 |
F |
Fahrenheit |
°F |
Federal Aviation Administration |
美国联邦航空管理局 |
ID |
Inside Diameter |
内径 |
in. |
Inch |
英寸 |
In-lb |
Inch-Pound |
英寸-磅 |
kPa |
Kilopascal |
千帕斯卡 |
L |
Liter |
升 |
MAX. |
Maximum |
最大 |
Minimum |
最小 |
ml |
Mililiter |
毫升 |
mm |
Millimeter |
毫米 |
No. |
Number |
编号 |
OD |
Outside Diameter |
外径 |
oz-in. |
Ounce-Inch |
盎司-英寸 |
Reference |
参考 |
rpm |
Revolutions per minute |
每分钟转数 |
Society of Automotive Engineers |
汽车工程师协会 |
v |
Volt |
伏特 |