A. The procedures in this subject are for electrical or electronic module assemblies which do not have overhaul instructions in a component-specific manual. These units could contain items such as switches, lamps, relays, capacitors, diodes, resistors, zener diodes. This includes components mounted separately, or in a small unit whose function can be easily known from its schematic diagram.
B. If the unit has a component-specific overhaul manual or component maintenance manual and the instructions in it are different, use the instructions in the component-specific manual.
A. Use standard industry test equipment, such as multimeters, power supplies, etc.
B. Make sure the total error of all instruments used in the measurement is no more than 25 percent of the value of the measurement.
确保测量中使用的所有仪器的总误差不超过测量值的 25%。
A. Component – Any circuit element other than a wire segment, splice, lug, shield, connector, or other item related to wiring. Examples of components are capacitors, diodes, relays, resistors, SCRs, switches, transformers, and transistors.
元件 – 除导线段、接头、接线片、屏蔽罩、连接器或其他与布线有关的项目外的任何电路元件。例如电容器、二极管、继电器、电阻器、可控硅、开关、变压器和晶体管。
B. Conditional node – A group of pins that are electrically common because of the condition (position) of a relay or switch.
条件节点 – 由于继电器或开关的条件(位置)而电气共通的一组引脚。
C. Continuity – A resistance of 3 ohms or less.
连续性 – 电阻为 3 欧姆或更小。
D. Open Circuit – A resistance of 900 kilohms or higher.
开路 – 电阻为 900 千欧或更高。
E. Node – A group of connector pins that are electrically common because of electrical wiring or components inside the unit.
节点 – 由于设备内部的电气接线或元件而在电气上共通的一组连接器引脚。
A. In general, do these tests, as applicable:
(1) Continuity and open-circuit tests on all units.
(2) An electrical test for each component of the unit, if the unit includes electrical components such as switches, resistors, diodes.
(3) A functional test for components that cannot be isolated individually.
B. Be sure to give all components protection from too much voltage or current.
C. The continuity and open circuit tests are to make sure that the wires and the components are correctly installed, and that insulated conductors are electrically isolated from each other and from the chassis.
D. The component test is to make sure that the item is correctly installed, and to be sure the electrical characteristics of the item are within specified limits. This test is for components that are individually connected in the circuit with access through pins from the assembly connectors.
E. The functional test is for components that are connected together in the circuit where one item cannot be examined by itself. For example, a diode connected across a relay coil cannot be given a resistance test because of the parallel resistance of the coil. Or a resistor in series with a zener diode without access to the junction between them cannot be given a resistance test. These units must be given a functional test as a combination of the individual components.
A. Measure the continuity of all connector pins in each node and each conditional node.
B. Make sure the resistance of the wiring, and switch and relay contacts, is no more than 3 ohms.
确保接线、开关和继电器的电阻不超过 3 欧姆。
C. Use a test current of 0.5 amp or less.
使用 0.5 安培或更小的测试电流。
D. Measure the continuity through each switch and relay contact in each position.
E. Make sure there is an open circuit between
(1) Open contacts of switches and relays
(2) Insulated conductors
(3) Conductors and the chassis
A. Lamp assemblies
(1) Make each lamp come on with a voltage applied to the pins of the lamp assembly through the pins of the output connector. Use the voltage as specified by the specification for the lamp assembly (±10 percent). Make sure the lamp comes on.
(2) Do this test to all lamp circuits inside the lamp assembly, and the switch contacts and diodes. For diodes, use the test of Paragraph 6.B. below, or apply a reverse voltage to the lamp assembly contacts and make sure the lamp does not come on.
对灯管组件内部的所有灯管电路、开关触点和二极管进行此测试。对于二极管,使用下面第 6.B 段的测试,或在灯组件触点上施加反向电压,确保灯不亮。
B. Diodes
(1) Make sure the diode is not connected across other components which could interfere with the resistance value of the diode.
(2) Measure the forward and reverse resistances with a resistance comparator, resistance bridge, or a digital ohmmeter. Make sure the forward resistance is less than 300 ohms, and the reverse resistance is more than 900 kilohms.
使用电阻比较器、电阻桥或数字欧姆表测量正向和反向电阻。确保正向电阻小于 300 欧姆,反向电阻大于 900 千欧。
(3) Apply 28 vdc through a 1000 ohm resistor to the diode in the test. Measure the voltage across the diode when the diode is forward biased, and then when it is reverse biased. Make sure the forward bias voltage across the diode is 1 volt or less. Make sure the reverse bias voltage across the diode is a minimum of 95 percent of the applied voltage.
通过一个 1000 欧姆的电阻器向测试中的二极管施加 28 伏直流电压。测量二极管正向偏置和反向偏置时两端的电压。确保二极管上的正向偏置电压为 1 伏或更低。确保二极管上的反向偏置电压至少为施加电压的 95%。
(4) Use test equipment with these accuracies:
Measurement instruments: ±5% or better, 0.1-30 volts
测量仪器:±5% 或更高,0.1-30 伏
Input impedance: 100 kilohms or more
输入阻抗:100 千欧或更高
DC Test Voltages: ±10%
直流测试电压: ±10
Resistances: ±5%
电阻: ±5
C. Resistors
(1) Make sure the resistor is not connected across other components which could interfere with the resistance value of the resistor.
(2) Use one of these methods:
(a) Use a digital ohmmeter, wheatstone bridge, or resistance comparator.
(b) Apply a specified current through the resistor, and then measure the voltage this generates across the resistor. Use a constant current power supply and measure with a digital voltmeter. Be sure to consider the accuracy of the current supply and of the digital voltmeter, and the loading effect of the meter when you make you make the selection of the test equipment.
(c) Connect a resistor of known value in series with the resistor to be measured. Apply a voltage of known value across the series combination. Measure the voltage across the known resistor and calculate the value of the unknown resistance with this formula:
R = (EuRstd)/(E-Eu ) where
R = (EuRstd)/(E-Eu ) 其中
R is the unknown resistance
R 是未知电阻
Rstd is the known resistor
Rstd 是已知电阻
E is the applied voltage
E 是外加电压
Eu is the voltage across the unknown resistor
Eu 是未知电阻上的电压
(3) Use test equipment with these accuracies:
(a) Make sure the total error of all instruments used in the measurement is no more than 25 percent of the value of the measurement.
确保测量中使用的所有仪器的总误差不超过测量值的 25%。
(b) Make sure the input impedance of the voltmeter is sufficiently high that the accuracy of the voltage measurement is within the specified limits.
D. Capacitors
(1) Make sure the capacitor is not connected across other components which could interfere with the impedance value of the capacitor.
(2) Use one of these methods:
(a) Measure the capacitance with a capacitance bridge, comparator, or other capacitance measuring device.
(b) Connect a resistor of known value in series with the capacitor. Apply an alternating current of known voltage and frequency across the series combination. Measure the voltage across the capacitor and calculate the capacitance with this formula:

C is the unknown capacitance
C 是未知电容
f is the frequency of the applied voltage
f 是外加电压的频率
R is the resistance of the added series resistor
R 是添加的串联电阻的阻值
Va is the applied AC voltage
Va 是外加交流电压
Vc is the voltage across the capacitor
Vc 是电容器两端电压
(3) Make sure the total error of all instruments used in the measurement is no more than 25 percent of the value of the measurement.
确保测量中使用的所有仪器的总误差不超过测量值的 25%。
E. Transformers
(1) Make sure the transformer is not connected across other components which could interfere with the impedance value of the transformer.
(2) Apply an AC voltage to the primary of the transformer, but make sure it is not sufficiently high to damage the transformer. Connect a load, such as a resistor of applicable value, across the secondary. Measure the voltage across the primary and across the secondary. Calculate the voltage ratio. Make sure this ratio is within the limits given by the specification or equivalent document.
F. Zener diodes
(1) Make sure the diode is not connected across other components which could interfere with the impedance value of the diode.
(2) Use one of these methods:
(a) Connect a resistor in series with the diode to keep the current within safe limits. Measure the voltage across the diode with a voltmeter. Make sure the voltage is within the specified limits. Be sure to use a resistance and voltage to make the diode operate at a minimum of 50 percent of rated power.
在二极管上串联一个电阻器,将电流控制在安全范围内。用电压表测量二极管两端的电压。确保电压在规定的范围内。确保使用的电阻和电压能使二极管以至少 50% 的额定功率工作。
(b) Apply a specified current from a current source through the diode. Measure the voltage across the diode with a voltmeter. Make sure the voltage is within the specified limits. For the current, use the value specified as the test current in the specification, or use a current that lets the diode operate at a minimum of 50 percent of rated power.
从电流源给二极管施加规定的电流。用电压表测量二极管两端的电压。确保电压在规定的范围内。对于电流,使用规格书中规定的测试电流值,或使用能让二极管以至少 50% 的额定功率工作的电流。
(3) Make sure the total error of all instruments used in the measurement is no more than 25 percent of the value of the measurement.
确保测量中使用的所有仪器的总误差不超过测量值的 25%。
A. Do functional tests on all circuit components that cannot be given a test individually.
B. If you do not know what the circuit does, review the schematic diagram and the specifications of the individual components.
C. When you know what the circuit does, make analyses of the circuit to find out applicable input and expected output signals. Then do the tests and see if the actual output signals are within expected limits. The limits can be calculated from a worst case analysis of the accuracy of the components in the unit.
D. For a test load, use a load which is a maximum of 80 percent of the rated load as given by the specification. If you know the end-use load, use this as the test load. If you use a different type of load as a replacement, be sure that the replacement you use is the same type and size as the specified end-use load. For example, if an incandescent lamp is specified as an inductive load, do not use noninductive resistors as an alternative.
对于测试负载,应使用规格书中规定的最大额定负载的 80%。如果知道最终使用负载,则将其作为测试负载。如果使用不同类型的负载作为替代,应确保所使用的替代负载与规定的最终使用负载的类型和尺寸相同。例如,如果白炽灯被规定为电感负载,则不要使用无感电阻器作为替代。