

A. The data in this subject comes from Boeing process specification BAC5424. The data about magnetic rubber comes from MIL-I-83387.

本主题中的数据来自波音工艺规范 BAC5424。有关磁性橡胶的数据来自 MIL-I-83387。

B. The data is general. It is not about all situations or specific installations. Use it as a guide to help you write minimum standards.


C. Refer to SOPM 20-00-00 for a list of all the vendor names and addresses.

请参阅 SOPM 20-00-00,了解所有供应商的名称和地址。


A. Magnetic particle examination can be done only on materials with ferromagnetic properties, usually low alloy steels and heat-treatable stainless steels. It is a sensitive nondestructive procedure to find surface and near-surface cracks and discontinuities.


B. Magnetic particle examinations are generally specified in overhaul instructions or service bulletins. In-service cracks can be caused by fatigue, stress corrosion, hydrogen embrittlement, or loads and can start at or near a surface. In good conditions, the procedure can find relatively small, tight cracks.



A. Magnetic particle examination uses the property of magnetic lines of force, or flux, of an applied field to go more easily through metal than through air. A defect at or near the metal surface changes the distribution of the magnetic flux and some must come out through the metal surface. The field strength is increased in the area of the defect and opposite magnetic poles occur on each side of the defect. Fine magnetic particles applied to the part are pulled to these regions and make a pattern around the defect.


B. To find a defect, the direction of magnetization must be adjusted to put the induced flux lines across the axes of possible defects. Two types of magnetization, circular (transverse) and longitudinal, are used to magnetize the part and cause perpendicular flux paths. On some configurations, local magnetization could be necessary to be sure the magnetic field direction is correct and the field strength is sufficient.


C. Examination of critical areas for defects could make necessary disassembly and complete removal of surface coatings, sealants and other such layers. Because the applied or residual magnetic fields could damage such delicate parts as instruments, bearings and mechanisms, removal of the parts could be necessary.


D. Some properties of the magnetic particle method could cause nonrelevant indications, because the magnetic field can be bent also by design features such as:

磁粉法的某些特性可能会导致不相关的迹象,因为磁场也可能因设计特性而弯曲, 例如:

(1) Small fillet radii, such as smaller than 0.10-inch radius.

圆角半径小,例如半径小于 0.10 英寸。

(2) Thread roots, keyways, drilled holes.


(3) Sudden changes in geometry or in magnetic properties within the part.


E. But the locations of these nonrelevant indications are also where many service induced defects can occur. Operators must know that nonrelevant indications can occur during examination. For correct analysis of indications in these areas, much skill and experience is necessary. Other procedures could be necessary before you can make a final evaluation. Special details are given below.



A. You can use magnetic particle examination on any clean surface that has access for visual examination. Typical parts for magnetic particle examination are:


(1) Steel fasteners and pins


(2) Important structural elements


(3) Linkages


(4) Landing gear components


(5) Splice and attach fittings


(6) Actuating mechanisms


B. During field repair operations, disassembly is frequently not necessary, unless the parts have critical areas or easily damaged installed components.


C. During overhaul, a better examination is possible with stationary equipment in the shop on parts which are completely disassembled, cleaned and with all finishes removed.


D. Examinations with magnetic rubber can be used in fastener holes and when:


(1) The access is not easy.


(2) Particle suspensions could cause unwanted contamination.


(3) A permanent record is necessary.


(4) The area cannot be examined visually.



NOTE: These materials can be used in different methods of magnetic particle examination. These items do not include all of the products available. Equivalent substitutes can be used. You must make the final selection.


A. Oil suspension liquid vehicle — Petroleum products per DOD-F-87935 or AMS 2641

油悬浮液载体 — 符合 DOD-F-87935 或 AMS 2641 标准的石油产品

B. Water suspension liquid vehicle — Water with rust inhibitor and wetting agent per AMS 3042 or AMS 3045

水悬浮液体载体 — 含有防锈剂和润湿剂的水,符合 AMS 3042 或 AMS 3045 标准

C. Magnetic particles


(1) Dry Powder Method


(a) AMS 3040, Magnetic Particle, Nonfluorescent, Dry Powder

(2) Visible Wet Method


(a) AMS 3041, Magnetic Particle Wet Method, Oil Vehicle, Ready to Use

(b) AMS 3042, Magnetic Particle Wet Method, Dry Powder

(c) AMS 3043, Magnetic Particle Wet Method, Oil Vehicle, Aerosol Packaged

(3) Fluorescent Wet Method


(a) AMS 3044, Magnetic Particle Fluorescent Wet Method, Dry Powder

(b) AMS 3045, Magnetic Particle Fluorescent Wet Method, Oil Vehicle, Ready to Use

(c) AMS 3046, Magnetic Particle Fluorescent Wet Method, Oil Vehicle, Aerosol Packaged

D. Magnetic Rubber Material — Dynachek, V30256

磁性橡胶材料 — Dynachek, V30256


A. Electrical Magnetizing Equipment


(1) General


(a) Stationary equipment that can supply 4000-6000 amps is typical in the aerospace industry for overhaul operations. Mobile equipment with equivalent current outputs is available for field examination of heavy structures such as landing gear cylinders and axles. Small parts and local areas of large components can be examined with small permanent magnets or electromagnetic yokes.

可提供 4000-6000 安培电流的固定设备通常用于航空航天工业的大修作业。具有同等电流输出的移动设备可用于起落架气缸和车轴等重型结构的现场检查。小零件和大型部件的局部区域可使用小型永久磁铁或电磁轭进行检查。

(b) The maximum rated output of the equipment must be greater than that necessary for the examinations, because the resistance load of the part could decrease the current through it by as much as 20% of the rated output.

设备的最大额定输出必须大于检查所需的输出,因为零件的电阻负载可能会使通过它的电流减少额定输出的 20%。

(2) Current Types


(a) Three-Phase, Full-Wave Rectified Alternating Current — Large, stationary equipment of this type is preferred in major overhaul and repair facilities. This equipment sends a magnetic field deep into a part which is good for subsurface examination of repair welds, through plating or after shot peening.

三相全波整流交流电 — 这种类型的大型固定设备是大修和修理设施的首选。这种设备可将磁场送入零件深处,有利于通过电镀或喷丸后对修理焊缝进行次表面检查。

(b) Half-Wave Rectified Alternating Current — Mobile and portable equipment of this type is generally good for subsurface examinations.

半波整流交流电 — 这类移动和便携式设备通用于表面下检查。

(c) Alternating Current equipment is satisfactory to find defects which occur during service. Fields made by AC stay near the external surface, where such defects usually occur. Also, fields that are not deep are more easily removed by AC demagnetization.


B. Permanent Magnets and Electromagnetic Yokes


(1) General


(a) Permanent magnets and electromagnetic yokes are used for magnetic particle examination of small parts and local areas of large parts. These items can be used to examine local areas of installed parts, or after you use the larger stationary bench type equipment on local critical areas on large parts. AC-DC electromagnetic yokes can demagnetize small parts or local areas after the examination.


(b) See Table 1 for dead weight lift requirements of magnetic yokes. Do dead weight lift tests of the yokes at intervals of 6 months maximum.

有关磁轭的自重提升要求,请参见表 1。最多每隔 6 个月对磁轭进行一次自重提升测试。

(c) Typical examples:


1) Electromagnetic Yoke — Contour Probe Model DA-200, V26774

电磁轭 — 轮廓探头 DA-200 型,V26774

2) Permanent Magnets — Magnaflux Yoke YM-5, V37676

永久磁铁 — Magnaflux Yoke YM-5,V37676

C. Magnetization Indicator


(1) Locally fabricated per Figure 1

根据图 1 就地制造

(2) Penetrameter — Model 500386, V23373

渗透仪 — 型号 500386,V23373

(3) Pie Field Indicator 169799, V37676

磁场指示器 169799,V37676


A. Be very careful to not let cleaning material or magnetic particles get where they cannot be removed. Removal of components such as bushings, bearings, or inserts from assemblies could be necessary before you clean and magnetic particle examine the unit.


B. Magnetic particle examination of assembled bearings is not recommended because the bearings are not easy to demagnetize. If a bearing cannot be removed it must be given protection from the magnetic particle examination materials and locally magnetized with a magnetic yoke to limit the magnetic field across the bearing.


C. Parts must have no grease, oil, rust, scale or other substances which could be a problem with the examination. If necessary, vapor degrease, or solvent, alkaline or abrasive clean per SOPM 20-30-03. Use abrasive cleaning only as necessary to completely remove scale or rust. Too much blasting of parts can change examination results.

零件上不得有油脂、油、锈、垢或其他可能影响检查的物质。如有必要,可按照 SOPM 20-30-03 进行蒸汽脱脂或溶剂、碱性或研磨剂清洗。仅在必要时使用研磨剂清洁,以彻底清除水垢或铁锈。对零件喷砂太多会改变检查结果。

D. A water-break-free surface is necessary for parts to be examined by water suspension methods. If the suspension completely wets the surface, the surface is satisfactory.


E. For in-service inspection, removal of coatings and plating will be necessary before the magnetic particle examination for the conditions that follow:


(1) The coating or plating is damaged.


(2) The coating or plating thickness prevents a satisfactory magnetic particle examination of the part.


(3) The coating or plating thickness is more than 0.005 inch, unless specified in Paragraph 7.E.(4).

涂层或镀层厚度超过 0.005 英寸,第 7.E.(4)段规定的除外。

(4) The coating or plating thickness is more than 0.006 inch, if a 0.006 inch coating or plating thickness is permitted by the design limit of the part.

涂层或电镀层厚度超过 0.006 英寸,但零件设计极限允许涂层或电镀层厚度为 0.006 英寸。

F. If necessary, remove protective coatings as specified in SOPM 20-30-02. Unless otherwise specified, the magnetic particle examination must be done before you shot peen, before you apply finishes such as primer and paint, and also before you apply metallic coatings such as electroplate, flame spray, or vacuum deposition of 0.002 inch or thicker. Unless specified by the overhaul instructions, magnetic particle examine parts with electroplate by the sequence specified in Table 2.

如有必要,按 SOPM 20-30-02 规定的除去保护涂层。除非另有规定的,磁粉检查必须在喷丸、涂底漆和油漆等表面处理之前进行,也必须在电镀、火焰喷涂或真空沉积等 0.002 英寸或更厚的金属镀层之前进行。除非大修说明有规定,否则应按照表 2 规定的顺序对带有电镀层的零件进行磁粉检查。


A. Magnetic particle examination usually has these steps:


(1) Application of magnetic particles.


(2) Magnetization, circular or longitudinal.


(3) Measurement of field strength.


(4) Examination for, and interpretation of indications.


(5) Demagnetization and post-examination cleaning.


B. Magnetic Particles: The magnetic particles used can be nonfluorescent or fluorescent (as applicable to the examination specified) and are applied as a suspension in a vehicle. Fluorescent particles are preferred due to their higher sensitivity.

磁性颗粒: 所使用的磁性微粒可以是无荧光或荧光的(适用于规定的检查),并以悬浮物的形式置于载体中。荧光颗粒因其灵敏度较高而更受青睐。

C. Wet Continuous Method: Unless shown differently, use only the wet continuous AC or DC fluorescent or nonfluorescent methods as follows:

湿式连续法: 除非另有说明,否则只能使用以下湿式连续交流或直流荧光或非荧光方法:

(1) In the wet continuous method, the particle suspension is applied to wet all surfaces of the part. The magnetizing current is applied at the instant the suspension is diverted from the part. Apply a minimum of two shots of magnetizing current, each 1/2-second long.

在湿式连续法中,使用颗粒悬浮液润湿零件的所有表面。磁化电流在悬浮液偏离零件的瞬间施加。至少施加两次磁化电流,每次 1/2 秒。

(2) Wet suspensions of fluorescent particles, in water or oil, are recommended for most overhaul and in-service examinations unless not permitted by the material, size, or shape of the part.


(3) Water, with a suitable rust inhibitor and wetting agent, can be used as a liquid vehicle if the magnetic examination equipment can be used with water as the vehicle.


(4) It is acceptable to use the residual magnetization method (Paragraph 8.H.) as an alternative to the continuous method when you examine bores for cracks with a central conductor.

在检查有中心导体的孔洞裂纹时,可使用残余磁化法(第 8.H 段)替代连续法。

D. Dry Continuous Method: The dry continuous method is not recommended for airplane components because of its lower sensitivity level.

干式连续法: 由于干式连续法的灵敏度较低,不建议用于飞机部件。

E. Circular Magnetization: Circular magnetization is put in the part by one of these methods:

环形磁化法: 通过以下方法之一对零件进行环形磁化:

(1) Central Conductor Method (Figure 2):

中心导体法(图 2):

(a) Send the current through a central conductor that goes through the part. For examination of inside and outside surfaces of cylindrical and hollow parts, use a central conductor with as large a diameter as possible. for other shapes, use a central conductor for circular magnetization when you can.


(b) When the full circumference is not magnetized at one time, examine the circumference with a series of magnetizations and inspections, one after another, with the cylinder in one position after another as necessary to do a full circle magnetization.


1) Keep the control conductor adjacent to one side of the part. This will magnetize a distance (or arc) along the circumference approximately 3 times the diameter of the central conductor. (For cylindrical parts, the number of magnetizations necessary to go around the total circumference will be equal to the part diameter divided by the conductor diameter.)

让控制导体紧贴零件的一侧。这样沿圆周磁化的距离(或弧度)约为中央导体直径的 3 倍。(对于圆柱形零件,绕整个圆周所需的充磁次数等于零件直径除以导体直径)。

2) The number of magnetizations (segments of the full circle) multiplied by the current per segment magnetization must be no less than the magnetization current necessary for a full circle magnetization of the outside diameter. Do not use too much current or you could get false indications.


(c) When a number of small parts are examined at one time, put sufficient space between each piece to permit satisfactory coverage (with particles), magnetization and examination.


(2) Direct Contact Method: Send current through the part mounted horizontally between contact plates. Be very careful not to burn the part at the electrode contact areas. Burns and arcs can be caused by:

直接接触法: 将电流通过水平安装在接触板之间的零件。要非常小心,不要在电极接触区域烧伤零件。烧伤和电弧可能由以下原因造成:

(a) Too small a contact area


(b) Too low a contact pressure


(c) Dirty or coated contact areas


(d) Electrode removal during current flow


F. Longitudinal Magnetization


(1) To put longitudinal magnetization in a part, put the part inside a current carrying coil or between the poles of an electromagnetic yoke.


(2) When you use a coil, best results occur when:


(a) The part to be examined is two or more times as long as it is wide.


(b) The long axis of the part is parallel to the axis of the coil opening.


(c) The area of the coil opening is a minimum of 10 times the cross sectional areas of the part.

线圈开口的面积至少是零件横截面积的 10 倍。

(d) The part is put near the side of the coil.


(e) Handheld coils, made of electrical cables wrapped around the part, have three to five turns.


(f) Long parts are magnetized and examined in increments of 12-18 inches, because approximately 6-9 inches on either side of the coil vertical centerline will be magnetized.

长零件以 12-18 英寸为增量进行磁化和检查,因为线圈垂直中心线两侧约 6-9 英寸将被磁化。

(g) The intensity of the longitudinal shots is kept just below the level that starts to make leakage fields across sharp changes of section, such as radii under bolt heads, threads, and other sharp angles in parts, unless this is to look for grinding cracks in chrome plate.


(3) When you use a yoke, the area of the part between the ends of the yoke completes the path of the magnetic lines of force. This gives a magnetic field between the points of contact.


G. Use of Permanent Magnets and Electromagnetic Yoke


(1) For a stable magnetic field from permanent magnets, you must shake the oxide particles within the field. The wet method is most satisfactory. Use a plastic squirt bottle for best results.


(2) When you do not know the direction of possible cracks in a suspect area or if the cracks could possibly be not perpendicular to the lines of force between the poles of the magnet, move the magnet and try again. The part must be demagnetized between each magnetization when the field direction is changed.


H. Residual Magnetization Method


(1) This method is generally used only for subsequent analysis of indications found by the wet continuous method. It can be used to help tell the difference between microsegregations (Paragraph 14.A.(3)) and other defects.

此方法通用于对湿式连续法发现的指示进行后续分析。它可用于帮助区分微偏析(第 14.A.(3)段)和其他缺陷。

(2) In this method, the part is magnetized and the magnetizing current then cut off. Apply three shots of the magnetizing current, each 1/2-second long. Then apply the magnetic particles.


(3) Good results are a function of the strength of the applied field, the direction of magnetization, and the shape of the part.


I. Field Strength Determination


(1) Factors such as part size, shape, magnetic properties of the material and the method of magnetization will affect the field strength made within a part by a given applied magnetizing force. The factors do not make it easy to give rules for magnetizing during examination. Technique requirements are best determined on actual parts having known defects.


(2) Use the magnetization indicator (Figure 1), or an equivalent method, to make sure the magnetic flux strength is sufficient. It shows you the internal field, the field direction, and the quality of the particle suspension during magnetization. Lay the indicator, copper side up, on the part in the area of interest as you apply the magnetizing force. An easy-to-see clear line of magnetic particles will occur across its face when sprayed with or put in the particle suspension.

使用磁化指示器(图 1)或类似方法确保磁通强度足够。它可以显示内部磁场、磁场方向以及磁化过程中磁粉悬浮液的质量。在施加磁化力时,将指示器铜面朝上放在所关注区域的零件上。喷上或放入磁粉悬浮液后,其表面会出现一条易于观察的清晰磁粉线。

(3) The level of magnetization necessary to find service related defects frequently can be lower than that necessary for material and manufacturing control. Where conditions are good, AC magnetizing currents of the order of 50% of the DC amperage recommended for overhaul will give good results for surface cracks. For example, 400-600 amps AC per inch of diameter will usually be sufficient for circular magnetization, but use the magnetization indicator (Figure 1) to make sure the field is sufficient.

发现与维修有关的缺陷所需的磁化水平往往低于材料和制造控制所需的水平。在条件良好的情况下,交流磁化电流约为大修建议直流安培数的 50%,就能很好地发现表面裂纹。例如,每英寸直径 400-600 安培交流电通常足以进行圆形磁化,但要使用磁化指示器(图 1)来确保磁场足够大。

(4) If you must do the examination with a decreased current because of part size or equipment limitations, you can adjust for lower field strength. Examine a smaller area for each magnetization, or use electromagnetic yokes. Examine only 4 inches on either side of a coil instead of 6 or apply more magnetizations along the wall of a hollow cylinder when you use an internal conductor.

如果由于零件尺寸或设备限制而必须用较小的电流进行检查,可以调整较低的磁场强度。每次磁化时检查较小的区域,或使用电磁轭。只检查线圈两侧的 4 英寸而不是 6 英寸,或者在使用内部导体时沿着空心圆柱体的壁施加更多磁化。


A. Magnetic Rubber Method (Ref MIL-I-83387)

磁性橡胶法(参考 MIL-I-83387)

(1) Use this procedure as an alternative to the usual magnetic particle suspension when the access is not easy or if you must have a permanent record of the defect indication.


(2) The magnetic rubber material contains black magnetic particles in a room temperature vulcanizing (RTV) liquid rubber vehicle.

磁性橡胶材料包含室温硫化 (RTV) 液态橡胶载体中的黑色磁性颗粒。

(3) General procedure:


(a) Fully clean the surfaces to be examined. Be sure to completely remove all magnetic particles from previous examinations.


(b) Prepare the area to get and contain the liquid rubber material. Use mylar or cellophane tape to close the lower opening of vertical holes. Make dams around flat surfaces with compatible plastic materials such as Duxseal putty. On horizontal holes, put tape over one opening and make a cup dam at the other. Make a hole in the tape at the upper edge to let caught air get out.

准备获取和容纳液体橡胶材料的区域。用胶布或玻璃纸胶带封住垂直孔的下部开口。用兼容的塑料材料(如 Duxseal 油灰)在平坦表面周围筑坝。在水平孔上,用胶带封住一个开口,在另一个开口处做一个杯状挡板。在上边缘的胶带上开一个孔,以便排出空气。



(c) To prepare the magnetic base material, stir or shake the container to make sure the ferromagnetic particles are in good suspension. Add the specified amount of catalyst. Mix fully.


(d) Put the mixed liquid rubber into the examination area. You can use a plastic syringe with the needle removed to put the liquid rubber in tight areas or into small fastener holes. Do not apply more material than can be magnetized during its pot life.


(e) Apply a constant magnetic field for 30 seconds in the desired direction and of sufficient strength after you apply the rubber base material. Use a stronger field strength than that recommended for the oil or water suspension method, because the residual magnetism moves the particles through the rubber to collect as the indications as the rubber cures. Too strong a field could cause nonrelevant indications. You can apply the magnetic field with the usual procedures and equipment. The residual method is satisfactory for parts heat-treated above 180 ksi. You can use permanent magnets or DC electromagnetic yokes big enough to span the examination area. Because the residual magnetism must be strong, do not use alternating or swinging vector fields.

在涂抹橡胶基材后,按所需方向施加足够强度的恒定磁场 30 秒钟。使用比油或水悬浮法建议更强的磁场强度,因为残余磁力会使颗粒穿过橡胶,在橡胶固化时收集指示。太强的磁场可能导致不相关的指示。您可以使用常规程序和设备应用磁场。残余法适用于热处理超过 180 ksi 的零件。您可以使用足够大的永久磁铁或直流电磁轭来横跨检查区域。由于剩磁必须很强,因此不要使用交变或摆动矢量场。

(f) If you know the load path or possible crack locations and directions, one magnetization in the correct direction is sufficient. When cracks are in different locations or angles, two or more examinations will be necessary with a new application of magnetic rubber. Demagnetize the area after each application. Fastener holes can be examined for radial cracks with one circumferential magnetization with DC current sent through a central conductor put through the hole.


(g) To get sensitivity equivalent to that of the wet continuous particle suspensions, mix in an amount of catalyst to the liquid rubber to make the rubber cure in 2 hours or more. Longer cure times up to 6 hours will make the indications easier to find because more particles can continue to move to their final locations.

为获得与湿式连续颗粒悬浮液相同的灵敏度,在液体橡胶中混入一定量的催化剂,使橡胶在 2 小时或更长时间内固化。固化时间延长至 6 小时会使指示更容易找到,因为更多的颗粒可以继续移动到其最终位置。

(h) Let the rubber fully cure. Then remove the cast, and examine it under white light with 30-power magnification for indications of defects. These will stay permanently in position in the rubber and the casts can be identified and kept as a permanent record.

让橡胶完全固化。然后取下铸模,用 30 倍放大镜在白光下检查缺陷迹象。这些缺陷将永久保留在橡胶中,铸模可作为永久记录进行识别和保存。

B. Critical Examinations


(1) A critical examination is necessary for defects at sudden changes in part shape or thickness, such as threaded parts, splines, gear teeth roots, because these sudden shape changes cause nonrelevant indications during usual examinations. This procedure is the most sensitive to find the start of in-service fatigue cracks in sharp, internal radii.


(2) You can use the usual magnetic particle examination equipment (Paragraph 6.) but alternating fields cannot always give the necessary high level of residual magnetism.

可以使用通常的磁粉检查设备(第 6.段),但交变磁场并不总能提供必要的高水平剩磁。

(3) Fluorescent particle suspensions are recommended for the critical examination procedure. Oil base suspensions are preferred rather than water base.


(4) Optical aids are necessary to get the maximum sensitivity possible by this magnetic particle procedure. Low-power (10X to 30X) binocular microscopes are recommended. As a minimum, pocket magnifiers of 7 to 10 power can be used.

要使磁粉程序达到最高灵敏度,必须使用光学辅助设备。建议使用低倍(10 倍至 30 倍)双目显微镜。至少可使用 7 至 10 倍的袖珍放大镜。

(5) General procedures:


(a) Fully clean the part in the areas of the sharp radii and fillets where dirt can collect, and where they could be ignored during a too quick an examination.


(b) The residual method can help in some problem areas, although it is not always best in most other instances. Start with wet continuous methods for general examination, then use the residual method only for local examination of the sharp radii. Use it only where nonrelevant indications are a problem in the initial examination.


(c) Use the same methods of magnetization as in the standard procedures, but:


1) Do not use alternating fields.


2) Use a higher than usual level of magnetizing force to be sure of a higher residual field within the part.


(d) After magnetization, apply particles in a liquid suspension. Use a good amount, and apply them to cause maximum particle buildup. (A good method for small parts such as rod end fittings is to put them in a container of suspension that was stirred for approximately 30 seconds.)

磁化后,在液体悬浮液中涂抹颗粒。用量要适中,并使颗粒最大限度地堆积。(对于杆端配件等小零件,一个好的方法是将其放入搅拌了约 30 秒的悬浮液容器中)。

(e) Look for collected particles in the sharp radii. Be sure you used a sufficient level of magnetization and amounts of the particle application to cause nonrelevant indications.


(f) Wash the parts in clean suspension vehicle only sufficiently to remove the weakly held particle accumulations that make the nonrelevant indications. Particles at actual defects will be more strongly held and will stay there if you are careful. To do this, apply a light flow or stream of liquid vehicle over the part, or, for a small component, lightly stir the part in a container of the vehicle. Carefully monitor the removal of the collected nonrelevant particles in the area to be examined. If not, you could also wash away the smaller defect indications. Try a few times to get the best method and time.


(g) Look for defect indications with optical magnification and good light. The smallest indications which are possible with this procedure cannot always be seen without such help.



A. Demagnetization


(1) Demagnetize between each magnetization of the same part to let you find defects in all directions, and whenever the residual magnetism becomes a problem with the interpretation of the indications. Also demagnetize all parts and materials after you are done with magnetic particle examination.


(2) Demagnetize to a level of 3 oersteds (Gauss) or less as read by a standard magnetic field indicator. Measure the field at different locations, on the part and at all important changes in geometry. Demagnetize again if you see the field indicator needle move.

去磁至标准磁场指示器读取的 3 oersteds(高斯)或更低的水平。在零件上的不同位置以及几何形状的所有重要变化处测量磁场。如果看到磁场指示器指针移动,则再次消磁。

(3) AC method


(a) Hold the part approximately 1 foot in front of the AC demagnetizing coils and then move the part slowly and smoothly through the coils and approximately 1 foot behind the coils.

将零件放在交流消磁线圈前约 1 英尺处,然后缓慢平稳地将零件穿过线圈,并在线圈后约 1 英尺处移动。

(b) Do this until the residual magnetism is gone.


(c) Turn and tilt parts of complex configuration as they are passed through the coils.


(4) DC method


(a) Put the part in the same relative position as when you magnetized it, and apply reversing DC current.


(b) Gradually reduce the current to zero.


(c) Do this until the residual magnetic field is gone.


(5) When you use a magnetic yoke such as the Parker Research Contour Probe, you can remove the magnetized areas with the probe in the AC mode.

使用磁轭(如 Parker Research Contour Probe)时,可以用交流模式下的探头去除磁化区域。

B. Cleaning


(1) When you used oil suspensions, solvent clean or vapor degrease the part until all magnetic particles are gone.


(2) When you used water suspensions, completely remove the water, such as with an air blast, to make sure that the parts are dried immediately when done. Fully rinse the part with a detergent base cleaner until the magnetic particles are all gone. Then rinse in a solution of water and rust inhibitor.


(3) On cadmium plated parts you can use an air-water vapor blast to remove remaining magnetic particles.


C. After magnetic particle examination, replace removed finishes as specified by overhaul instructions.


D. After the parts are clean and dry, use temporary protective coatings per SOPM 20-44-02 as necessary to prevent corrosion.

在零件清洁干燥后,根据需要按照 SOPM 20-44-02 使用临时保护涂层,以防止腐蚀。


A. Regularly do tests of magnetic particle examination equipment as necessary to be sure of satisfactory operation.


B. When fluorescent magnetic particle suspension is used, the black light intensity must be a minimum of 1000 microwatts per square centimeter measured at the surface of the part. The ambient white light level must be no more than 2 foot candles (20 lux).

使用荧光磁粉悬浮液时,在零件表面测量的黑光强度必须至少为每平方厘米 1000 微瓦。环境白光亮度不得超过 2 foot candles (20 lux)。

C. When nonfluorescent particles are used, the white light intensity must be a minimum of 100 foot candles (1000 lux) measured at the surface of the part.

使用非荧光颗粒时,在零件表面测量的白光强度必须至少为 100 foot candles (1000 lux) 。

D. Use special lighting equipment and optical devices, as necessary, when you examine the inside diameters of holes, tubing, cylinders, and other surfaces where the access is not easy.



A. Make tests of the magnetic substance concentration (wet method) regularly and control as shown in Table 3.

定期检测磁性物质浓度(湿法),并按表 3 所示进行控制。

B. When water suspension systems are used, do regular tests to make sure there is sufficient wetting agent and rust inhibitor.


C. If adjustment of water suspensions is necessary to get a water break-free surface, keep the pH in the 6.0-10.0 range. Use nonionic wetting agents when possible.

如果需要调整悬浮水以获得无水表面,则应将 pH 值保持在 6.0-10.0 范围内。尽可能使用非离子润湿剂。


A. When magnetic particle examination is specified, do it after all overhaul/repair operations but these:


(1) Before shot peening and protective finishing such as priming, painting and plating more than 0.002 inch thick.

在进行喷丸和保护性表面处理(如涂底漆、油漆和厚度超过 0.002 英寸的电镀)之前。

(2) Both before and after nitriding and the application of 0.002-inch or more of chrome or nickel plate. This lets you find surface defects in the base metal under the plating.

在氮化和镀 0.002 英寸或更厚的铬或镍之前和之后。这样可以发现镀层下基体金属的表面缺陷。

B. If you think there are indications, start at the lowest current possible to let you find relevant indications. Then increase the current until you get the best amperage for the particular part.


C. Do the magnetic particle check with sufficient magnetization and number of examinations to be sure that you can find discontinuities with axes in any direction.


D. On tubular parts, use a central conductor and turn the part on the conductor with a separate magnetization and examination at each position. Use one turn for approximately 7 inches of part circumference.

对于管状零件,使用中心导体,在导体上转动零件,在每个位置分别进行磁化和检查。大约 7 英寸的零件周长转一圈。


A. General (All Classes)


(1) The following are not acceptable:


(a) Defects caused during service, such as cracks or corrosion.


(b) Indications of material defects caused by or shown during any processing step, unless permitted by Paragraph 14.A.(2), Paragraph 14.A.(3) below. Examples of defects are cracks, laps, coldshuts, laminations, seams, tears, blowholes, flakes, forging bursts, embedded scale, linear porosity, pipes, corrosion pits, crazing, galling. Examples of processing steps include grinding, plating, welding, machining.

任何加工步骤所造成或显示的材料缺陷迹象,除非下文第 14.A.(2)段和第 14.A.(3)段允许。缺陷的例子包括裂缝、搭接、冷沟、层压、接缝、撕裂、气孔、薄片、锻造爆裂、嵌入鳞片、线性气孔、管道、腐蚀坑、裂纹、咬合。加工步骤包括打磨、电镀、焊接、机加工。

NOTE: Some service bulletins, maintenance manuals, or overhaul instructions specify an acceptance class, such as Class A critical. Acceptance classification is not necessary for overhaul inspections. It is used for newly-made parts to specify permitted discontinuities such as material inclusions or phase segregation. If you inspect a newly-made part or must evaluate material inclusions or phase segregation, refer to BAC5424 for the acceptance criteria.

注:某些服务通告、维护手册或大修说明规定的验收等级,如Class A critical。大修检查时不需要验收等级。它用于新制造的零件,规定允许的不连续性,如材料夹杂物或相位偏析。如果检查新制造的零件或必须评估材料夹杂物或相偏析,请参阅 BAC5424 了解验收标准。

(c) Indications of any length that extend over or into an edge, chamfer, corner, radius, fillet, or hole. But do not reject the part if the indications are because of microsegregation (alloy segregation). Refer to Paragraph 14.A.(3) below.

任何延伸至边缘、倒角、转角、半径、圆角或孔内的长度指示。但如果这些迹象是由于微偏析(合金偏析)造成的,则不要拒收该零件。请参阅下文第 14.A.(3)段。

(d) Parts with arc burns.


(2) Indications of metallic phase segregations in precipitation hardened corrosion resistant steel:


(a) are not acceptable in springs and material used for springs.


(b) are acceptable in parts other than springs, made from sheet no thicker than 0.125 inch.

除弹簧外,厚度不超过 0.125 英寸的板材制成的零件可接受。

(c) must not be more than the limits of the material procurement document in parts made from materials thicker than 0.125 inch. If the procurement document does not contain limits, use the criteria for linear inclusions contained in BAC5424.

在厚度大于 0.125 英寸的材料制成的零件中,不得超过材料采购文件的限值。如果采购文件没有限制,则使用 BAC5424 中的线性夹杂物标准。

(3) Indications of microsegregation (alloy segregation) are acceptable. Microsegregation is a condition in which small changes in material chemistry could cause a banded microstructure in wrought items. When magnetic particle examined, microsegregation could be seen as very narrow lines, usually long and straight, on the surfaces of parts.


(a) Indications are microsegregation if these two conditions occur:


1) Indications do not reappear when the part is examined by the residual method, in BSS7040, and

在 BSS7040 中,用残留法检测零件时,指示不再出现,以及

2) Indications do not reappear when the part is demagnetized, cleaned, and then magnetic particle examined again at one-half the recommended current levels.


(b) If the indications reappear, reject the part.


B. For Classes A, B, and C, see BAC5424.

关于 A、B 和 C 级,请参见 BAC5424。


A. If Class A examination was specified, parts which are not satisfactory are not acceptable for in-process correction.

如果规定的是 A 级检验,不合格的零件不能接受过程中校正。

(1) If you made the part but the Class A examination found defects in it, you must stop the process and reject the part.

如果是你制造的零件,但 A 级检查发现其中有缺陷,你必须停止工序并报废该零件。

(2) If this is a part that was in service and the Class A inspection found defects in it, get help from Boeing.

如果这是一个正在服役的零件,而 A 级检查发现其中有缺陷,请向波音公司寻求帮助。

B. For all other cases (Classes B, C, and when no class is specified), removal of indications from cracks or nonmetallic inclusions is permitted within limits given by overhaul procedures.

对于所有其他情况(B 级、C 级以及没有规定的级别),允许在大修程序规定的限度内去除裂纹或非金属夹杂物的迹象。

C. When permitted, repair all parts in the final heat-treated condition as follows:


(1) Remove surface indications by procedures and equipment that will not change the metallurgical structure of the adjacent material. Examples are hand filing, rotary filing, etc.


(2) Blend out the repaired areas into the adjacent material with as large a radius as possible. A minimum of 1 inch radius is recommended.

以尽可能大的半径将修理过的区域与邻近材料混合。建议半径至少为 1 英寸。

(3) Make the surface finish of the repaired areas equal to or smoother than that specified by overhaul instructions.


(4) Do not grind.


(5) Examine the repaired areas by this procedure and the overhaul instructions.


(6) Refinish the required areas as specified by the overhaul instructions.

